Many are frightened to come clean to tax officials because they fear the consequences.
Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid issued a statement calling on GOP congressional leaders to come clean.
Mr Fastow may have decided to come clean only after a period of questioning.
Paulson also urged banks and other financial institutions to come clean about weak balance sheets.
If any more scandals are still lurking, the bank has a chance to come clean.
But if he wants to gain public support he first has to come clean on the economics.
Armstrong's decision to come clean is the latest headline in a tumultuous three-year period for the retired cyclist.
The FBI gave Fai sufficient opportunity to come clean about his operation and its ties to Pakistani intelligence.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Biggest DC Spy Scandal You Haven��t Heard About
Just the same, I am thrilled that he has -- at long last -- begun to come clean.
Some people think that the only way to cure themselves of the money secret is to come clean about it.
If Iran had not agreed to come clean, the agency would have reported it to the United Nations Security Council.
Resolution 1441 required that Iraq report all of its activities -- one last chance to come clean about what it had.
Between 1998 and 1999, domestic workers who had broken their visa restrictions were offered the chance to come clean without penalty.
That is, publication of the story was barred in order to give Blau another opportunity to come clean and walk free.
Magner wrote that the bank still refuses to come clean with homeowners about mistakes it made in the accounting of home loans.
FORBES: JPMorgan Chase Still Haunted By Foreclosure Reviews, And More
It's time for Newt Gingrich to come clean with the American people.
Last week I wrote about the latest IRS program that encourages US citizens and residents to come clean and voluntarily disclose foreign account information.
FORBES: Does the IRS Have Its Mitts on Romney's Foreign Accounts?
Then he needs to come clean on who knew about next year's earnings hit, when they knew about it and what he told them.
Offenders have to come clean and admit every crime they've been involved in. between them, Robert and Ian Stewart admitted more than 100 crimes.
Gazprom is now under fire from the Russian government and from minority shareholders, who want it to come clean about its ties to intermediary firms.
But Hollande's campaign is calling for the president to come clean.
Monetary authorities and intelligence agencies in Europe, Asia and the U.S. are now putting great pressure on all financial institutions to come clean or risk exposure.
He is especially curious about how and when the department realised it had misled Congress and what discussions led up to its decision to come clean.
Mr. Armstrong's decision to come clean follows a saga that began in May 2010, when he was accused of doping by his former teammate, Floyd Landis.
Word of what Armstrong apparently told Winfrey is accelerating calls by anti-doping agencies for the disgraced cyclist to come clean to them about all he knows.
Even Paddy Ashdown, leader of the Lib Dems, ever-closer ally, and potential beneficiary of electoral reform, was moved in September to ask Mr Blair to come clean.
The Fed makes no secret of its concern about the sluggish pace of America's economic recovery, and lately it has begun to come clean about the risk of deflation.
The remarks from America and Britain suggest that these two permanent members of the Security Council have already made up their minds that Iraq has failed to come clean.
Tammy Andreycak was that person and she realized she had done something wrong and at 42 years old (at the time) and a single parent, she needed to come clean.