"I urge people to consider carefully the implications of releasing a lantern, " she added.
"These are lessons the government will need to consider carefully as it reviews its plans for the prison estate".
We not only need to consider carefully the individual relationships we form with young people but also those between young people and the wider community.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Panorama | The system needs to be challenged
Computer security experts have warned users to be careful over how much personal information they share on the service, and to consider carefully their privacy settings.
One would hope that even laymen in the U.S. Senate, to say nothing of the attorneys who populate the membership of its Judiciary Committee, would want to consider carefully such implications of the Law of the Sea Treaty.
The coroner, Dr. Ciaran MacLoughlin, on Friday directed jurors at Galway Coroner's Court to consider carefully the verdict and his recommendations, including that Ireland's Medical Council should lay out exactly when doctors can intervene to save the life of a mother.
However you choose to tackle your return, allow yourself time to consider it carefully or to have your tax professional do so.
"I want you to consider real carefully whether you do want to continue to represent yourself, " the judge said.
We would kindly urge you to consider very carefully the consequences of the continuation of what appears to be a personal vendetta.
That prompted Transportation Secretary Mary Peters to advise states to carefully consider any additional stress placed on bridges during construction projects.
Most importantly, she taught me to more carefully consider how my words sound to my patients.
It will have to carefully consider every aspect of every case on an individual basis before it decides to reject a takeover after this.
The Welsh government is to "carefully consider" a report by England's exams regulator after it refused to order exam boards to regrade English GCSEs.
The process of drafting a prenup can be enormously complex, so give yourself plenty of time to carefully consider it, along with other options to divorce-proof your assets.
But companies need to carefully consider their partners so that they can minimize regulatory objections and internal conflicts, all of which may overshadow their primary reasons for joining forces.
FORBES: Utility Mergers Rising but Picking Partners is Tricky
By requiring speakers to carefully consider the meaning of their words, he hoped that his analytical language would force many of the subterranean quirks of human cognition to the surface, and free people from the bugs that infect their thinking.
And that's something that we're going to have to consider working on very carefully.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Closes Forum on Jobs and Economic Growth
After giving the scientific community a chance carefully to consider his model, he plans to submit the work to the Astrophysical Journal.
As we consider how to budget in this era of surpluses, we must consider carefully the resources available for these often-anonymous functions that the Nation has a right to expect its government to perform well.
Health Minister Gisela Stuart welcomed the report and pledged to consider its recommendations "very carefully".
To avoid having it also be the last, carefully consider what you want the employer to see at a glance, and strive to stand out for having a professional, tailored document.
But on the positive side, there have been many people who have taken the time to consider the book seriously and to work through the ideas carefully and to tell their friends.
Your interview is often where you make your strongest impression, so to avoid making it also your last impression, carefully consider what you want the employer to learn about you during the meeting, and strive to stand out for being a perfect fit for the job.
Normally, witnesses are encouraged to take their time and carefully consider each possible suspect.
WSJ: Jonah Lehrer on Memory, Witnesses and Crime | Head Case
We must carefully consider how to balance safety and security with personal privacy concerns.
No corporation is above the law, and in the quest to find ways of doing well by doing good, companies should carefully consider the range of their activities, from their operational impacts to the legal positions and litigation strategy they adopt.
FORBES: Shell, Corporate Social Responsibility and Respect for the Law
Our clients will have to carefully study the judgment and consider an appeal on this issue.
On December 2, 2011, the Departments of Justice and Education released two new guidance documents making clear that educators may consider race in carefully constructed plans to promote diversity or, in K-12 education, to reduce racial isolation.
"We will consider his recommendations carefully and urge universities to do so too, " he said.