Many have tried and will try to copy him, but his talent will never be matched.
But its success as a marketing technique has led other Anglicans to copy it.
One in three said they had or would allow another student to copy their work.
Whenever Apple releases one of its ground breaking ideas or designs, everyone rushes to copy it.
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There are a few companies who have tried to copy us and have failed miserably.
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That has resulted in almost constant lawsuits from generic drug firms trying to copy blockbusters early.
In fact, attempts to copy the GEMA deal at other factories have been quashed.
In fact, both Amgen and Immunex have valued each other's approach enough to copy it.
Customers are so satisfied with Jabil's cell structure that they ask other suppliers to copy it.
Meaningful innovations are easy to copy and the copycats often make more money than the innovators.
Jailbreakers also gave users the ability to copy and paste text months before iOS 3 did.
This is a mood that finds little need to copy the West, particularly in political terms.
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Obviously, we do not have the right to copy books, movies and music and sell them.
But NCTC was proposing to copy and keep it for up to five years.
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The read-across in policy, the campaign techniques to copy, the lessons to be learned for 2015.
Because Mr Blair is not Mr Gore, he is most unlikely to copy this mistake.
This freedom enables it to copy as closely as possible the movement of a person's hand.
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They set the pace which the rest of the competition try to copy and emulate.
Collaboration with the University of Utah yields a protein HIV appears to need to copy itself.
In that event, it might make sense to copy Germany's response to the 2008 slump.
ECONOMIST: Two sharply different takes on Britain��s stalled recovery
The entire internet industry reckons this was clever and is planning to copy it.
It is as if the Europeans have chosen to copy Mr Bush, rather than convert him.
That is the world of execution, and modern communication makes execution incredibly easy to copy, incredibly fast.
Girls generally wanted to copy the way their teachers behaved - such as being kind to others.
There is no simple way for governments to copy South Korea, much as they would like to.
Meanwhile, you may want to copy the social tech wizards, if you have high-growth investments to shelter.
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On the Select 1000, it took a little more than seven minutes to copy an hour-long album.
British police, with their milder approach and heavier form-filling burden, will find these methods hard to copy.
No wonder then that some in Britain are considering what this country could do to copy that model.
Regulators sometimes let Berkshire delay disclosures so investors cannot try to copy Buffett before he is finished buying.