They are freer to criticise the Tigers than they would be in Sri Lanka.
Mr Davies used the debate to criticise the UK government's cuts to police budgets in Wales.
It wasn't his place to criticise the Presiding Officer he stressed but things were "too cosy".
"For her to criticise without actually being at the coalface is certainly not helpful".
The authors find much to criticise, and in much of this they are justified.
Not obeying these rules, or just daring to criticise them, can bring very harsh sentences.
Judged by this overriding priority, Mr Isaac finds plenty to criticise in the recent past.
Brawn refused to criticise Barrichello for Sunday's outburst and said he sympathised with his driver's frustration.
American Russell Boyd who is behind the site also uses it to criticise the arbitration process.
CNN: Technology - 'Cybersquatters:' Invading big names' domains
Governments have been reluctant to criticise each other in public, let alone to mete out fines.
He has given one speech, in Canada, at which he declined to criticise the new president.
One is a reluctance to criticise companies and governments harshly, because they pay for the ratings.
To criticise Mr Blair's minister for apparently encapsulating these values might seem a tad hypocritical.
Jean Charest, Quebec's Liberal premier, was quick to criticise the commission's decision after the march.
Quietly, however, some Chinese academics are beginning to criticise the official line on food security.
Ten years ago he was one of few politicians to criticise welfare and racial-preference policies.
Though the Clinton administration was quick to criticise the details, the potential for compromise clearly exists.
He appeared to criticise facilities in Istanbul and said that Islamic countries were "fighting with each other".
The Department of Health rejected this, although officials were quick to criticise the actions of the practice.
Fair-trade officials in Taiwan are looking into reports that Samsung paid people to criticise rival HTC online.
Mr Hammond again took the opportunity to criticise high bonuses paid to those in the railway industry.
BBC: Rail passengers could see big fare rises, Hammond warns
Opponents have become more vocal: trade unions, professors, regulators and others have lined up to criticise it.
After the heavy criticism of MPs over expenses, few are prepared to criticise the new system publicly.
As you might expect, David Cameron used his conference speech to criticise Labour's record running the Welsh government.
The slide has steepened Prime Minister Vladimir Putin began to criticise Russian coal miner Mechel two weeks ago.
Labour Welsh First Minister Carwyn Jones was swift to criticise last week's deal to cut the EU budget.
He steadfastly refused to criticise Labour's 2010 general election manifesto, in stark contrast to Ed, who wrote it.
Several peers used the occasion to criticise the government's decision to leave the post of chief coroner empty.
If they want to end their suffering, who are we, as healthy people, to criticise or condemn this?