When engaged in a cell-phone conversation, people between the ages of 59 and 81 were less likely to successfully cross a virtual street within 30 seconds than their younger counterparts, the study found.
The arena-in-progress resembles a rusty turtle, a shell of weathered steel and glass lurching its way into the intersection like it wants to cross the street and buy a dryer at P.
It will make its way slowly down The Mound, past the giant symbol of the Paralympic Games and cross Princes Street on to Hanover Street where a post-box painted gold in Sir Chris's honour stands, officials said.
A.A. offices last week were given a chance to cross a replica of the painted finish line on Boylston Street, which is about a quarter-mile away.
"Our proposal would allow manufacturers the flexibility to design different sounds for different makes and models while still providing an opportunity for pedestrians, bicyclists and the visually impaired to detect and recognize a vehicle and make a decision about whether it is safe to cross the street, " said NHTSA Administrator David Strickland.
ENGADGET: NHTSA details new sound requirements for hybrids and EVs travelling under 18 mph
From Charing Cross, dogleg a block to Buckingham Street, lined with pretty, well-preserved redbrick Georgian houses.
Candy opened the windows to the courtyard, but when she went to the other side of the room to open the street windows for a cross breeze Marjorie stopped her.
Southeastern trains to Charing Cross will not call at London Bridge for a year from 2015 while services to Canon Street will also cease to use the station between 2016 until late 2017.
All had been arrested in the preceding 24 hours or so, on charges ranging from theft to deception to criminal damage - a normal cross-section of offences, along with other "street crimes" for this court to deal with during more regular office hours.
Cross a few streets, and you go from historic homes and manicured lawns to abandoned buildings and dark street corners.
WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Michelle Obama Speaks at Meeting to Address Youth Violence | The White House
Cross-party proposals for a royal charter to underpin press regulation following the Leveson report are to be delayed, Downing Street has said.