Malone, always willing to cut a deal, will likely strike a compromise with Armstrong.
First, Mr Duhalde has to cut a deal with those who might give him some money.
But Philadelphia managed to cut a deal and was allowed to continue with its project.
Further afield, there are signs of a new readiness among Palestinians to cut a deal.
Late on January 15th, Mr Pilip and Nomura were in talks to cut a deal.
Everything seems to come down to the wire and everyone is trying to cut a deal.
Not a whole lot of cashflow in Oct or Nov, so Bayern had to cut a deal.
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Lenders lose a lot of money on foreclosures, so it often makes more sense to cut a deal.
How ready he is to cut a deal will therefore depend on how the debate goes in America.
The president should have tried to cut a deal on broadcast television, one involving not money but votes.
FORBES: The Four Huge Mistakes That Cost Obama the Debate (Politeness Wasn't One of Them)
But the media keeps interviewing the same five or so Republicans in Congress who want to cut a deal.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Grover Norquist: Washington Enemy No. 1
The editor of Science, Donald Kennedy, pragmatically defends his decision to cut a deal in order to secure disclosure.
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The Bush administration is rumored to be ready to cut a deal with Democrats next year to "save" Social Security.
Two weeks ago, prosecutors began to try to cut a deal and eventually dismissed all but one of the 59 counts.
This flexibility enabled Lornamead to cut a deal with Wal-Mart last year to supply the chain's U.S. stores with private-label whitening toothpaste.
That leaves Winget and Venture's creditors little time to cut a deal.
Believing his is a mandate to make "peace, " Mr. Barak is feeling incredible pressure to cut a deal - - any deal.
Of the four major U.S. wireless carriers, only T-Mobile USA has yet to cut a deal with Apple to sell the iPhone.
FORBES: Apple: Why It Should Cut An iPhone Deal With T-Mobile
But would that provide the basis of a ruling coalition on the centre-left with the clout to cut a deal with the Palestinians?
ECONOMIST: Israeli politics: Can the doves take off again? | The
This week 35 student associations, including those at Bristol and Exeter universities, contacted their teachers' union branches, urging them to cut a deal locally.
These advantages may make it easier for Golkar to cut a deal with a number of Islamist parties, led by the United Development Party.
Marcus personally stripped GE of its exclusive on 25 linear meters of shelf space and flew to the Netherlands to cut a deal with Philips.
Then there's Eni's famous ability to cut a deal with anyone.
It was not until well past the formal deadline, amid gestures and language that were scarcely diplomatic, that delegates were able to cut a deal.
MSPs in trying to cut a deal with the Lib Dems.
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His first task was to cut a deal with its banks.
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Her strong negotiating skills, which have enabled her to cut a deal with the Australian Greens on her carbon plan, have carried her only so far.
Zhukov was even willing to cut a deal with the U.S. to make it easier for each country to spy on the other via reconnaissance aircraft.
What this means is that the Obama administration - now working through congressional proxies - is still trying to cut a deal with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Ali Khamenei.