He was in Brighton to deliver a speech on his history with game design.
How would you like to have to deliver a speech in those circumstances?
Obama is expected to deliver a speech in Las Vegas on Tuesday to discuss comprehensive immigration legislation, which he calls a priority of his second term.
She will also travel to the Middle East to deliver a speech on the role of the United States in regional security at the Manama Dialogue in Bahrain.
In early February, before he was set to deliver a speech at the American Enterprise Institute, he invited me to join him at a luncheon in an A.E.
Hillary Clinton is scheduled to deliver a speech on the second day of the convention, which is also the 88th anniversary of the day women were granted the right to vote.
However, the department was dogged by accusations of ineffectiveness and he made a few personal gaffes, such as being driven a very short distance by a car at a Labour conference on his way to deliver a speech on traffic reduction.
Ms. DICKINSON: Well, one reason I wanted to do this, I've always wanted to deliver a commencement speech, always.
And this Thursday, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson is scheduled to deliver a major speech in Washington on the importance of free trade.
On January 29, 2013, the President flew nine hours to Las Vegas and back to deliver a policy speech on immigration reform.
Mandell, who spoke to the court for nearly 30 minutes, went off script to deliver a rambling speech that at times was defiant and at others asking the judge for mercy.
Mr. Benhamou was invited to deliver a keynote speech at a dinner given by the California- Israel Chamber of Commerce, an organization as diverse as the more than 7000 miles that separate those two centers of business.
In November 2002, I was flown first-class from my home in Palm Beach, Florida to the island of Guam to deliver a keynote speech at the Third Annual Investment Conference of the Asia Pacific Association for Fiduciary Studies.
FORBES: Failure to Heed Early Warnings Led to First Bankruptcy of U.S. Public Pension
The president-elect is scheduled to deliver a major policy speech on the economy Thursday.
By the time she fell out with Howe, provoking him to deliver a ministerial resignation speech which began her own downfall, he was the only survivor of her first Cabinet.
He is also scheduled to deliver a long-awaited speech on relations between the United States and the Muslim world in Cairo, Egypt, on June 4.
Tony Blair was supposed to deliver a heavily-trailed speech to the CBI at 9.15 this morning, the centre piece of which was to announce a new review into the nation's energy needs with a focus upon finding out if a new nuclear programme was the way forward.
In danger of falling on to the assembled mass, and after some heated communication between the CBI chief and the man in the roof - now joined by a friend - the PM was bundled off into a side room to deliver his speech cheek by jowl with the invited guests, and the constant interruptions of mobile phones, TV cameras, photographers, and noises off.
Speaking to the seriousness given to his speech, Boehner employed a teleprompter to help him deliver it smoothly.
Researchers are leveraging decades of speech recognition expertise to deliver a connected, voice-enabled virtual assistant for use by automotive manufacturers.
President Barack Obama took a dramatic walk to the microphones in the East Room of the White House to deliver a somber yet celebratory 9-minute speech that confirmed what everyone already knew.
FORBES: How America Was Tricked Into Caring About Osama Bin Laden's Death Announcement
Carnahan said she had been working at her computer on a campaign speech she had been planning to deliver the next day for her husband when he called her, shortly before the crash.
CNN: In Missouri, Carnahan's widow vows to carry on husband's fight
This is yet further explanation of why a speech the prime minister is expected to deliver in the Netherlands within the next two weeks has proved so hard to write and may prove so controversial.
In his first presidential speech, Mr Hollande said he wished to deliver a "message of confidence".
Such a moment was the routine speech John F Kennedy planned to deliver one day in Dallas, Texas, at the Trade Mart.
Obama is the ninth sitting U.S. president to deliver the commencement speech at the University of Notre Dame, but none of his predecessors touched off a similar firestorm.
CNN: Obama calls for 'common ground' on abortion at Notre Dame
One year I had a severe case of laryngitis, which is not good considering I am on radio and TV several times a day from CES. I got around it by using text-to-speech software to deliver my radio segments.