Some advocate even more radical steps to reflate the economy, such as charging banks to deposit money at the central bank.
In December, after a panicky fall in the rupee, the RBI introduced several obscure measures to bolster it, such as making it more attractive for Indians resident abroad to deposit money in the homeland.
The United Arab Emirates has promised to deposit money in the Central Bank, and Saudi Arabia, which fell out with Jordan during the Gulf war over its forgiving stance towards Iraq, has promised to resume its once-huge handouts.
To deal with the potential problem that some farmers might get disillusioned and withdraw early - creating perturbation - each group will have to deposit enough money into a bank account in advance to cover the entire cost of a four-year operation.
The court told Sahara to deposit the money with SEBI, which was asked to administer the refunds.
In a fractional reserve banking system, banks are permitted under law to create deposit money out of thin air.
Sahara later asked the court for more time to repay investors, and was ordered to deposit the money with SEBI by the first week of February.
Last month, SEBI said that Sahara had failed to deposit the money, so it passed orders to seize all properties and freeze bank accounts held by the two Sahara Group companies, Mr. Roy and two other founders.
Prominent examples include MoneyBox Africa and M-PESA, mobile-phone based money transfer services that allow customers to deposit and withdraw money, transfer money to others, pay bills and make purchases.
The Fed has declared the ability to pay banks not to lend money by paying interest to banks for money on deposit at all Fed banks.
In order to trade on Intrade you had to deposit real live money with them.
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Yet even in the months before its closing, the Southern Michigan branch meant more to Athens than just a place to deposit and withdraw money.
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The court order said Sahara had "no right to collect" the funds "without complying with any regulatory provisions" and ordered the group to deposit the refunded money in a nationalised bank.
The fact is even in the depths of a recession a banking system flush with excess reserves is always in a position to pyramid up its deposit liabilities, to create Uncovered Money Substitutes, regardless of the demand for loans.
FORBES: Monetary Watch December 2010: The Money Supply, a triple from here?
Then set up an automated deposit to whisk that money away into your online savings account as soon as your paycheck comes in.
These cards require you to deposit an amount of money usually equal to the credit limit into a special savings account that the bank can collect any missed payments from.
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Mr. WILBUR SMITH (Homeless Person): Well, I want to get me a place, but I don't have enough money to get a deposit and first month rent.
That said, there is an expectation that the European Central Bank will start to penalise banks for holding money on deposit with it, rather than using that cash to make loans, by charging negative interest rates for deposits.
Another thorny issue would be trying to raise money for common deposit-insurance and bank-resolution funds.
Who would want to leave their money on deposit at UBS?
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These accounts are tax-free within limits and allow the opportunity to invest in a wide range of assets as already described, or simply to keep the money on deposit.
From there, a banker with no apparent connection to bin Laden might deposit the money in an offshore account or with an intermediary that specializes in "tax optimization, " explains Pieth.
In theory, if banks are required to hold more money on deposit with the central bank, this should increase the cost of their funds and so lead them to push up their interest rates.
ECONOMIST: Economics focus: A stitch in time saves nine | The
In response to rate cuts early in July, European banks have mainly shifted the money from the deposit facility to the current accounts, defeating the desired effect.
But many deposit holders may want to keep enough money in a secure place in Greece to cope with day-to-day needs.
The Philippines, whose sovereign credit rating was upgraded to investment grade by two rating firms over the past two months, has been fighting the so-called hot-money inflows with several measures, including making it easier for locals to take money abroad and lowering a deposit rate for banks that do cross-border business.
WSJ: Asian Governments Take Measures to Battle Strong Currencies
The Philippines, whose sovereign credit rating was upgraded to investment grade by two ratings firms over the past two months, has been fighting the so-called hot-money inflows with several measures, including making it easier for locals to take money abroad and lowering a deposit rate for banks that do cross-border business.
WSJ: Asian Governments Take Measures to Battle Strong Currencies
This is because, even if they have a job, they do not have the money for the deposit required to rent an apartment.
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If you place your money with a peer-to-peer lender like Zopa, you are not lending to Zopa, in the way that you are lending to Barclays if you put your money on deposit with Barclays.