It makes sense where it is, and needs to continue to depreciate against developing economies.
The objective of all warriors is to depreciate their currency more than the rest of the world.
Firms are allowed to depreciate some investments for tax purposes much faster than the equipment needs to be replaced.
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Membership of the euro means they don't have the option of allowing their currency to depreciate to readdress that problem.
PowerShares Ultra DB US Dollar Bearish Index (NYSE: UDN) might allow traders to profit if the dollar continues to depreciate.
Gold has traded inversely with the U.S. dollar, and monetary easing tends to depreciate the greenback and thus support gold prices.
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The biggest tax breaks go to businesses that write off failed investments and work-related equipment that did not have time to depreciate.
One of the worst has been the urge by management to depreciate assets as fast as possible irrespective of their useful life.
How will global imbalances be corrected if surplus countries try to depreciate?
Her also raised the prospect of allowing the country's currency to depreciate, in an effort to boost exports and restore the trade balance.
In order to remedy the U.S.-Japan trade imbalance in 1985, the big five industrial nations agreed to depreciate the dollar against the yen.
Most important, Greece is locked into the euro, and thus cannot regain competitiveness by allowing its own currency to depreciate, as Britain has done.
By then, the Chinese currency may even face pressure to depreciate.
The Seychelles rupee was allowed to depreciate in 2006 after being overvalued for years and fell by 10% in the first 9 months of 2007.
The schedule works exactly as policymakers intended with no individual or company able to depreciate more for a general aviation aircraft than any other capital asset.
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The other part is that it requires a lot of refreshing: Louboutins, which look horrible scuffed, start to depreciate the day you walk them off the lot.
The Japanese Yen has already depreciated sharply in anticipation of this sharp shift in monetary policy and is expected to depreciate further as the new policy is implemented.
Debtor countries like America and Britain have huge fiscal deficits, but retain at the same time the ability to depreciate their currencies and offer near-zero interest rates on their short-term debt.
But "it's obviously better to be outside" the euro zone now, said Poland's central-bank governor, Marek Belka, because "we can avail ourselves of a sovereign monetary policy, including the ability of the currency to depreciate, " and don't have to share in the cost of bailouts.
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At this historic meeting, the finance ministers of France, West Germany, Japan, the United States, and the United Kingdom signed the Plaza Accord in which they all agreed to depreciate the U.S. dollar in relation to the Japanese yen and German deutschemark by intervening in currency markets.
Thirty-five out of 50 are expected to further depreciate this year, pulling the average national values down another -3.6% by this time next year.
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If all the issuers of paper money want to see their currencies depreciate, then the only answer is to own an asset that central banks cannot debase namely, gold.
"No country can pressure us to appreciate or depreciate" the currency, he said.
Narinder Sandhu and Pankaj Shukla, who left jobs developing payroll and accounting software for Intuit to build the Depreciate'em Web tool, think so.
Narinder Sandhu and Pankaj Shukla, who left jobs developing payroll and accounting software for Intuit (nasdaq: INTU - news - people ) to build the Depreciate'em Web tool, think so.
Unlike the hard-money ECB, most other leading central banks are happy to see their currencies depreciate which will make it all the more difficult for the euro area to run a current account surplus.
Lacking strong demand at home, governments are tempted to let their currencies depreciate so that their exporters can grab a bigger share of the global market.
The broader issue is simple: the developed world has too much debt and to reduce this debt, they want to create inflation and depreciate the value of their currencies (thereby reducing the value of the debt).
This is a sop to Members of Congress and trade lobbyists in Washington who think the U.S. can depreciate its way back to economic health.