Critics are keen to discover if staffing changes at the California-based studio affected the product.
If you can bear to break away, there are some delightful hillside villages to discover.
As new models are developed they should be deployed and tested quickly to discover their failings.
She returned to discover the whole safe containing the jewels had been unscrewed and taken away.
That's something I've got to discover and an ambition I've got to strive towards.
Algonquin is a small company that likes to discover and develop a few smart books.
My point is this: Sometimes we want to discover things our friends don't know about.
ENGADGET: This is the Modem World: Please don't personalize me. I know who I am
Meetings are a good place to discover whether an organization might be suffering from groupthink.
Until now, Connolly said, Internet-savvy house hunters have had to discover the program on their own.
It could be argued only obsessives play repeatedly to discover every item, nook and cranny.
It was from here that the great explorers set out to discover new worlds.
They can then set off independently to discover the route at their own pace.
But Qwest is likely to discover that it can't win on that front either.
Action must be taken today to discover and root out MD5 certificates from the enterprise.
FORBES: Flame's MD5 collision is the most worrisome security discovery of 2012
Start-up Prescreen is a new website for people to discover and watch independent films online.
FORBES: Former Groupon Exec's Prescreen Provides Outlet For Indie Movies
The Greens will soon start to discover just how mainstream their ideas really are.
So to discover the difference between guys' roles and girls' roles made me plain mad.
"We were trying to discover blockbusters, and quite frankly, we failed a lot, " McKinnell said.
David Smiley was very concerned to discover later that his agents had been quickly captured.
For instance, can they study ratings and feedback to discover what customers really need?
What then could or should be done is usually not too difficult to discover.
The green fluorescent protein was originally used to discover whether genes were present at all.
The time needed is not the time it takes the inspectors to discover the weapons.
So we altered our standardized screening questions to discover talents which lay hidden behind cultural differences.
You'll be happy to discover things really can be better the second time around.
WSJ: Sean Brock's Beet, Strawberry and Sorrel Salad | Slow Food Fast
This is a bold attempt to discover a silver lining in the hurricane's clouds.
But mostly I listened by myself. because no one wanted to discover the disco.
The aim of the new trial was to discover whether it can also alleviate uveitis.
Gill says that approach looks too expensive--he wants to discover new medicines, not sell them.
Only then will we be free to innovate and to discover what works best.