But he discourages them from asking each other to donate money to external groups.
Commenters from near and far asked how they could help, where to donate money or how to volunteer.
Well, he may turn up the volume on his already established tendency to donate money to worthy causes.
FORBES: Carnival Cruise Fiasco Could Benefit Charities (And Passengers Can Keep The Bathrobes)
The Great Central Railway in Leicestershire is appealing to supporters to donate money to help with the situation.
They are now looking to expand their experiment nationwide and are asking people to donate money to the cause.
FORBES: Links 10 Nov: Finally, An Occupy Wall Street Idea We Can All Get Behind, The Rolling Jubilee
If Congress truly simplified the tax code, there would be little reason for special interests to donate money to candidates.
Supporters had begin to donate money, he said, after news of his fine spread around the social networking site Twitter.
The endeavor is designed to drive people to the NetAid Web site (www.netaid.org) to donate money, time, expertise and old equipment.
Meanwhile, Strauss is urging spectators at Edgbaston to donate money to an emergency fund for those affected by the floods in Pakistan.
Over the weekend supporters had begun to donate money to Boston University student Joel Tenenbaum who was found guilty of sharing 30 songs.
Moreover, in lieu of presents, Rooney and McLoughlin have also asked guests to donate money to the Alder Hey children's hospital in Liverpool.
There is a collection tin outside for people to donate money to the Treehouse Appeal to build a new hospice in east Ipswich.
Already several charities urge pensioners with large disposable incomes to donate money received via benefits, such as the winter fuel payment, to good causes.
BBC: Duncan Smith 'relaxed' over well-off pensioner paybacks
Musk also explained the original idea behind SpaceX came from him wanting to donate money to NASA to start a greenhouse on Mars.
The British Heart Foundation statistics suggest that Scots are most likely to dig deep for good causes - while Londoners are the least likely to donate money.
Those who are able to donate money to UNICEF or any of the aid agencies working in the region should know that their money will save lives.
The health trust said people who wanted to donate money to the unit could still do so by contacting the hospital directly instead of via Little Sunbeams.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Mid | Babies' appeal founder arrested
Then the 80-20 Initiative, whose members include former UC Berkeley Chancellor Chang-Lin Tien, will urge Asian Americans to donate money to and vote for the candidate it endorses.
Answering Republican calls for the mega-billionaire to donate money to the US Treasury if he wants to help with deficit reduction, Mr Buffett told Time magazine they should all join hands in the effort.
McQuaid hinted the UCI might ask teams that participate in cycling's main competitions to donate more money to the anti-doping fight.
CNN: Former Tour de France champ LeMond calls for UCI boss to quit
George Bramlett, owner of Bargain Pawn, said he plans to donate the money to the families of two California police officers Dorner killed.
If you don't want to spend money on videos, you can have a check mailed to you or have HitBliss donate the money to a charity of your choosing.
The issue gained worldwide attention in September, when Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and investor Warren Buffett travelled to China to persuade the super-rich there to donate more of their money to worthy causes.
Meanwhile, Labour MP Maria Fyfe said she and six other Labour colleagues would write an open letter to Tyson demanding he donate his purse money to groups working with rape victims.
It would also use the Comic Relief sports day to raise more money by asking people to donate to the project - and would then match their contributions pound for pound.
Or do we want to rethink gift-giving all together and instead donate time or money to charitable causes and enjoy ourselves by simply spending time together?
If the market in high-tech stocks keeps up, the grads will have some money to donate.
There are luxury good products that donate money to a cause, he says.
FORBES: Your Gun, My Treasure: Fonderie 47 Turning Africa's AK47s Into Jewelry
John Low, chief executive of CAF, said tough economic times meant the public had less money to donate to charities.