Their aim seems to be to drag out the case while the powers-that-be decide what to do.
He said that Miss Bhutto had deliberately tried to drag out the trial, which had lasted a year.
But does he want to drag out the agony of almost inevitable eventual defeat right until Super Tuesday in early March?
He also warns that Congress cannot afford to drag out the confirmation process for Cabinet members, particularly with the U.S. dealing with a financial crisis and two wars.
Instead, the Tory's leader in the House, Lord Cranborne, privately told the government his backbenchers would use trench warfare tactics to drag out the passage of the bill through the Lords and so secret negotiations began.
The Class Action Fairness Act was intended to prevent what business interests have described as the gaming of the legal system by plaintiffs' lawyers to drag out lawsuits and make fighting them so expensive that companies would rather settle than continue in court.
Since he knows that the case will go to appeal, Judge Jackson has not only opposed attempts to drag things out in his court, but also suggested a procedure for getting a fast track to the Supreme Court.
Nor has stronger trade managed to drag GDP out of the trough, despite sterling's 20% trade-weighted depreciation since before the crash.
The fourth-wicket pair showed great heart to drag Worcestershire out of the mire, gradually cranking up the run-rate as the innings progressed.
This process can take years if you want to drag it out long enough, through appellate courts and a long and exhausting appeals process.
Many will want to show their appreciation for someone they believe had tried to drag Serbia out of the dark days and into a new future.
Alitalia said it would cut 2, 700 jobs as part of a three-year rescue plan to drag it out of the red and make it fit for the merger.
On structural reform, the Bank agrees with some private economists that, over the medium term, government spending alone has failed to drag Japan out of the economic mire.
"Something exploded and sent a lot of flames over the steps, and my detail just grabbed me and started trying to drag me out of there, " he said.
She said she waded into the water to try to help Mr Cox and, after locals managed to drag him out, emergency services personnel began resuscitation attempts on the riverbank.
His spending program, known locally as the Economic Transformation Plan, is a bid to drag Malaysia out of the so-called middle-income trap, which forces many emerging economies to compete with each other in producing cheap exports instead of developing more-sophisticated, value-added products.
After a brief period of adjusting to having some weight on my wrist after a long absence, I remembered how convenient it was not to have to drag my phone out of its holster simply to check the time.
Another reason why she has been unable to drag public diplomacy out of its hole.
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But higher speed limits are unlikely to drag the economy out of the slow lane.
Or then again, they may choose to drag the proceedings out until October, just because they can.
To not drag them out of that engagement and get them into gift-giving mode is a huge win.
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If the will had been signed long ago, before Hemsley was sick, Thornton likely would not have been able to drag the proceedings out as long as he did.
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The problem with mirrors is that they have to stick out - causing drag which adds to noise and fuel costs - and suffer from safety problems due to glare and blind spots.
The good people of America will continue to drag their rear ends out of bed in the morning and go to work.
One answer is that they're not real demands, they're negotiating ploys, designed to drag more reasonable concessions out of the developed world.
As for efforts to drag the developed world out of the mire, the G20 went perhaps further than had been expected, though undoubtedly not far enough.
Suddenly, the old but very spry Mother Superior dashed across the altar, evicting the soundman, who had to drag all his gear out of that holy zone.
As the car straightens out and gains speed, the airfoils automatically trim out to reduce drag.
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