The Nobelists wanted to dramatize the importance of the EU record at a time of great challenge.
Among the possibilities: a special session of Congress after the November elections to dramatize the need for a solution.
CNN: Clinton's Tropical Respite Gives Way To Work - 01-04-98
When I wanted to dramatize the potential of next-generation flu vaccine production technologies in 2009, I chose VaxInnate as my example.
Or maybe the chief justice just handed us an occasion to dramatize this debate in the biggest possible public forum: the general election for the presidency.
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Using clients of Xerox to dramatize particular aspects of its service, the commercials use a pair of Marriott bellboys, the Target terrier, and Mr. Clean as foil.
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He knows how to dramatize his subject matter.
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Instead, "Elephant" uses non-professional actors -- young people playing largely improvised versions of themselves extremely well -- to dramatize the cost of the violence, and to show the chasm that separates the shooters from the shot.
McAlary was the kind of by-any-means-necessary reporter who dragged his self-made legend behind him like a U-Haul, and Ms. Ephron has glued a dozen or so juicy anecdotes together in chronological order, unfortunately neglecting to dramatize them.
The spots run 90 seconds--30 seconds more than the ones Pfizer ran for just four months last year--and hew to the same narrative as the old one, using a race between a tortoise and a Belgian hare to dramatize the fact that quitting smoking that favors the slow and steady--and that Chantix can help.
Figuring how to place and dramatize seven individual people was one of the painter's problems.
WSJ: The Calling of St. Matthew | A Dramatic Enlightenment | Masterpiece by Willard Spiegelman
The success of the trip leaves Thomas with a problem: how do you dramatize a mission that went according to plan?
No book was available to option and adapt, so Mr. Boal had to dig for real-life details that would dramatize one of the most important events of the decade.
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