This work, said Ms Bradshaw, had led the number of "disrupted experiences" to drop by 80%.
Controversy over Vytorin's efficacy caused its sales to drop by a quarter from a year ago.
This will cause earnings for the year to drop by as much as 30%.
The cost of producing electricity from the sun is expected to drop by 50% by 2015.
FORBES: The Future Sounds Great. Getting There's the Hard Part.
Mitchell, 37, says he likes being able to drop by to admire his metals.
FORBES: How To Invest Your IRA In Real Estate, Gold And Alternative Assets
Seddon Atkinson's workforce, now 240, is expected to drop by 20 or so this year.
Hence we do not expect the number of daily customers per Starbucks store to drop by that much.
FORBES: Higher Coffee Prices No Curse For Starbucks But The Stock Is Overvalued Above $30
Still revenue from its service business is expected to drop by 11% to 13% for fiscal year 2013.
Most agree that prices have to drop by around 30% to attract interest.
The study fed doubts concerning Zetia's effectiveness, causing U.S. prescriptions of Vytorin and Zetia to drop by a third.
Once we hit the show floor here in California, we made sure to drop by for live look.
ENGADGET: Moog Sub Phatty analog synthesizer hands-on (video)
The retailer saw a 3.8% sales decline in the last 13 weeks of 2012, causing shares to drop by 5.2%.
FORBES: British Retailer Marks & Spencer Struggles To Do It All
He was able to drop by the green, however, and two-putted for par, and a 12 under par total of 204.
In 2009, the Semiconductor Industry Association expects personal computers to drop by 5.0% and cell phone unit shipments to fall by 9.0%.
In Britain as a whole, for example, average nominal house prices are likely to drop by 20-25%, and in London by much more.
Their numbers fell by 30, 000 last year, and are set to drop by a further 18, 000 in 2009, according to CEBR, an economics consultancy.
They had previously believed the current quarter would show declines of 0.5% to 2.5%, but now they are looking to drop by 6% to 7%.
The research of Reinhardt and Rogoff demonstrates that when the government debt-to-GDP level gets to about 90%, trend growth seems to drop by about 1%.
He asked a few select friends from the more radical end of the city's avant-garde to drop by his studio and take a look at his unfinished canvas.
With the big show canceled and the devices already launched, we instead opted to drop by the smartphone maker's headquarters just outside Helsinki.
ENGADGET: Live: Join us at 4AM ET for an 'ask me anything' Q&A with Nokia CEO Stephen Elop!
In the credit-risk area, the weight attached to mortgages looks likely to drop by 30-50%, cutting the minimum capital requirements of banks specialising in home loans.
Most people would say if they believed a share was going to drop by more than half in the next few years, they would sell it.
MacArthur expects the stock to drop by as much as 30% from its current price, and says that based on estimated 2012 earnings, the stock is already fully priced.
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And she's going to drop by the studios to talk to us about why she's going, her motivations, and how in the world you prepare for something like that.
In August 2000, a ruling cut three years off the patent for Prozac, Eli Lilly's hugely successful antidepressant, causing the company's shares to drop by 30% in one day.
Back in Knoxville, he decided on impulse one afternoon to drop by the inconspicuous mosque near campus, even though it wasn't a Friday, the day Muslims gather to pray.
Between 2006 and 2010, according to official targets, emissions of big industrial pollutants are supposed to drop by 10%, and energy efficiency is supposed to rise sharply in the same period.
For example, when established authors got a positive review in the New York Times, the researchers found that sales increased by 42%, while a negative review caused sales to drop by 15%.
Such a spike could cause 10-year Treasury prices to fall anywhere from 2% to 5%, while a similar change in yield in 30-year bonds could cause prices to drop by 6% or more.
To that end the chain is constantly adding reasons for customers to linger longer at the stores or to drop by in the evening or afternoon (traffic peaks between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.).