They may get paid more, but they will have to earn the money.
There are plenty of jobs I could be doing to earn the money I am being paid without interfering with frontline policing.
Only Justin Bieber is anywhere close to that and he has yet to earn the money and boast the impact of Lady Gaga.
FORBES: How The Meat Dress, Twitter Followers and Viral Videos Make Gaga Powerful
Many enlisted personnel have college degrees (or have joined to earn the money to get one) and many senior enlisted and officers have both undergraduate and graduate degrees.
FORBES: Battlefields And Boardrooms - Taking The Smartest From Both And Putting Them Together
Or consider how much easier it got to earn the money for a half-gallon of milk (56 minutes in 1900, down to 31 minutes in 1930) or 100 kilowatt hours of electricity (107 hours in 1900, but only 11 hours in 1930).
FORBES: Capitalism In No Way Created Poverty, It Inherited It
The answer usually depends on how much you expect to earn investing the money.
Find an adviser or support system that can guide you through the landmines of entrepreneurial life, and help you achieve what you want to, and earn the money you need, while making the difference you long to.
FORBES: The 7 Worst Marketing Blunders Small Businesses Make
In addition to fundraising, the foundation also plans to earn money for the trip by selling media rights and by selling data from the trip to NASA. Tito also announced at the conference he will be personally funding the first 2 years of the 5 year mission to get the trip launched.
FORBES: Dennis Tito's 2018 Mars Flyby Is On The 'Ragged Edge Of Feasibility'
Unsurprisingly, many Chinese migrants themselves say the chance to earn more money is the main motive for leaving their country.
It's a totally fair question to ask whether someone who has never had to work to earn money is the right person to advise anyone on the economic struggles of women today.
Really sick of bartering, but hard to know how to earn money since the Internet went down.
The result is that combined the current Big east and Catholic 7 conferences are going to earn half the television money they were offered as one conference in 2011.
FORBES: Big East And Catholic 7 Television Deals Do Not Add Up
Rogers has dusted off an idea from the 1970s that would allow a utility to earn money off the megawatts its customers don't use.
The fee is so small that doctors used to earn extra money through the sale of drugs.
CNN: From Our Correspondent: The Great Korean Medical Fiasco
His father encouraged him to earn money the hard way, so he raised, killed and dressed chickens, and sold their eggs for 50 cents a dozen.
Like so many villages across China, grandparents and grandchildren can be found playing together, but there is often less sign of the labouring generation in between, who have left to earn money in the cities and towns, leaving many earth buildings depopulated.
Today, the income tax exclusion perversely gives the biggest benefit to those who make the most money and the smallest to those who earn the least and need the most help paying for insurance.
The Whiz Mob represented a chance to put his criminal skills to legitimate use and earn the money for hip-replacement surgery, though he was wary.
The "Shockers" mascot is short for "Wheatshockers" and recalls when students shocked wheat to earn money during the harvest season, according to the school's web site.
This was Mohammed's day off from her job as a housekeeper at the Ritz-Carlton in the heart of Atlanta, and her first chance to rest after having taken extra shifts over the holidays to earn additional money.
And since the entire purpose of professional investors is to shuffle money to where it will earn them the highest return, some of the money from an expanded money supply often finds its way into commodity markets.
He believes he is the fighter who will be the first to beat Mayweather, and he's eager to earn both the recognition and the money that would come with such a win.
Or choose to earn less money in the categories that are taxed higher.
Suddenly, an industry terrified of online piracy had a legitimate place to earn money from the sale of digital music.
But will they also drive up world oil prices, allowing Iran to earn the same amount of money on smaller volumes?
For a star to earn money in the licensing business he or she has to have had a very distinct, marketable brand in life.
FORBES: The Recently Deceased Stars With The Biggest Earning Potential
With a multiple rights deal, most revenue streams go toward paying off a single advance, making it very difficult to earn money on the side.
The truth was that most athletes were aristocrats who invested heavily in their training and expected to earn big prize money at the hundreds of local athletics festivals around Greece.
So if it ends up doing very well, the producers and stars also stand to earn a decent amount of money since there will be no need to recoup the production costs.
FORBES: 'Veronica Mars' Could Be The First Major Kickstarter-Financed Movie
Her mother had worked as a waitress during the day and a seamstress at night to earn money to bring her daughter to the United States.
CNN: Small U.S. businesses thrive with Ethiopian woman's help