It seemed far too small to encompass so many different lives, rising and falling fortunes, history and myths.
Did you mean that to encompass that, that they also have a moment of opportunity?
Since then, its usage has extended rapidly to encompass the demographic-descriptive' and the 'ideological-normative' usage.
In the author's hands, it serves to encompass a wide range of human experience.
None of the three narratives manages to encompass all the market and economic data.
Improved and enlarged to encompass the continent, the big machine works on its subject continuously.
It has since evolved to encompass literature, art and fashion, with its exponents typically dressing in dark clothing.
BBC: Hate crime: Police record attacks on punks, emos and goths
That success prompted the partners to expand the project threefold to encompass shops, office space and more apartments.
In that spirit, his artistry has grown to encompass tableware in the form of leaves, melons and blooms.
This needs to be a bi-partisan effort that attempts to encompass the values that we, as Americans, stand for.
But the commission didn't extend the ruling to encompass other services or vendors.
They suggest one set of criteria to encompass all subtypes of autism-spectrum disorders.
The metro began running in 1927 and has since grown to encompass nine lines, 168 stations and 320km of track.
The mutualisation of risk may have to encompass a euro-zone bank-resolution fund as well as a joint deposit-insurance scheme.
Appreciating communication requires a shift in focus to encompass not just the known and predictable, but the unknown as well.
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Many Holocaust movies approach their task with a dutiful grandeur, an encyclopedic attempt to encompass the breadth of the crime.
Understanding one of the world's most populous faiths needs to encompass all of Catholicism -- not just the Roman version.
Your business definition should be broad enough to encompass a wide variety of avenues for growth and product or service development.
The promoters of Shariah want it to encompass all aspects of life, so each aspect must feed off of the other.
The three major console-makers, Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony, have been making moves to encompass other forms of entertainment and social media.
On financial regulation, transatlantic differences have narrowed, with America agreeing to broaden its scope to encompass institutions such as hedge funds.
Surely the FCA was never meant to encompass such plaintiffs and allegations.
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Also at the Tate Modern, this spring, is the first retrospective to encompass the full scope of pop artist Richard Hamilton's 60-year career.
Obviously the most appealing leaders are seen to encompass both qualities, and the least effective leaders are those we regard as cold and inept.
Jointly appealing the decision, the Engineer and Trust argued that the fraudulent transfer laws are not meant to encompass claims against future, unknown creditors.
Now media consumption patterns are rapidly shifting to encompass a broader cross section of the population due to the ubiquity of digital content on-demand.
FORBES: Content and Context Will Drive the Next Generation of Advertising
If a particular technology, or even vendor, attempts to encompass more than one of these categories watch for trouble in their go-to-market and sales strategies.
Obviously the most appealing candidates are seen to encompass both qualities.
Although initially used to describe a form of music, it has evolved to encompass literature, art and fashion, with its exponents typically dressing in dark clothing.
Originally designed to target loan sharks charging exorbitant interest rates, the use of usury laws have since expanded to encompass a wider variety of transactions.