The First Minister told him that "we need to encourage cultural and behavioural change".
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | BBC Parliament | Scotland: First Minister's Questions (11/03/04)
The aim is to encourage banks to start lending to each other again and restore investor confidence.
And we continue to encourage both sides to come back together in direct negotiations.
We also want to encourage millions of Americans across the country to retrofit their homes.
Well, we want to encourage people like that who have a passion for teaching.
Washington needs to create policy and tax policy to encourage companies like mine to grow.
We will also be able to encourage a continuous stream of creativity and engagement.
The president discussed a plan to encourage building oil refineries on former military sites.
Designed to encourage people to save and invest, they have turned out to be hugely popular.
One of the landers contained a small reactor designed to encourage the growth of micro-organisms.
Maybe there's another way to encourage new college graduates to think about their careers.
He said he was looking for ways to encourage research into his own company's technology.
BBC: DNA pioneer Francis Crick's Nobel prize sells for $2.27m
It seems Amazon is trying to encourage users away from the Kindle iOS app.
The RCWs seek to encourage discussion about specific regional characteristics, priorities, visions, gaps and challenges.
And it says it's willing to spend half a billion dollars on marketing to encourage sales.
Their ultimate goal seems to be to encourage you to turn around and never come back.
Adams co-founded the Natural Resources Defense Council to encourage responsible stewardship of our natural resources.
Tax incentives should be provided to encourage the refurbishment of existing properties, the CBI added.
In 2004, Dell launched a company program called Well at Dell to encourage healthy lifestyles.
But he said he wants more in the bill to encourage use of nuclear energy.
In essence, the FHA insurance is supposed to encourage mortgage lending by the banks.
Indeed, most governments have tried to encourage home ownership through tax relief or subsidies.
The scientists believe the only way to tackle the problem is to encourage people to quit.
The Center for Genetics and Society is trying to encourage debate about the topic.
Tain Allotment Group said the new plots would help to encourage healthy eating of locally-grown produce.
The Up software's brightly colored graphics celebrate achievements, and offer "insights" to encourage better behavior.
Mr Lee, believing that intelligence is inherited, wanted to encourage more graduate women to have children.
There are advantages for organizations to set up financial bounties in efforts to encourage internal whistle-blowing.
There are several current statutes that attempt to encourage whistle-blowing but slightly differ in their approach.
Maybe it is time for offices to encourage the corporate bounty hunters within their walls.