Earlier this year, the FBI used a computer eavesdropping technique to ensnare two alleged Russian hackers.
Just a 15-minute drive from downtown and the airport, Mesa del Sol is hoping to ensnare Hollywood.
Presumably we can trust zealous prosecutors to use them to ensnare only those business owners who deserve punishment.
It also suggests that the Alternative Minimum Tax--which threatens to ensnare millions of middle-income households--be indexed to inflation.
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The amusingly named Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 promises to ensnare hundreds of thousands of additional taxpayers in the recordkeeping trap.
Our continued willingness to ensnare ourselves in the rhetoric of peace processes demonstrates how little we have progressed in the past decade.
Butler was arrested and now an investigation promises to ensnare members of the local police department that acted on the hot DUI tips.
If the limit is set low enough to ensnare Facebook, for instance, which earns comparatively little in France, some French firms could also be hit.
Radon and carbon monoxide detectors can pick up odors that would normally be undetectable to our noses and net guns allow soldiers and SWAT teams to ensnare enemies just like Spiderman.
When the two men go for a drink, it is the bumptious David who tries to ensnare a lustrous blonde at the bar, but it is Brandon whom she seeks out later that night.
Yet considering how many people the average social media user is connected to, it is also a great way to ensnare a lot of innocent people who share nothing more than a love of cat photos in a government investigation.
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In July 2011, the real estate associate, who was not identified, was arrested in a mortgage fraud case, and subsequently agreed to cooperate in the investigation of Mr. Sampson, according to Ms. Lynch, who said that shortly after the associate was arrested, Mr. Sampson took several steps to determine if that investigation would ensnare him and to try to prevent that from happening.
Assuming the House SOPA definitions are fine-tuned to better target only the worst rogue websites and not ensnare innocent players, and assuming the amended SOPA bill avoids unintended technical, cyber-security or privacy problems from actual site-blocking or filtering, most of the rhetoric comparing SOPA and net neutrality is bogus.
The point is to show these residents that they are part of a larger society that can give them the tools to break cycles of drug addiction, mental illness or domestic abuse that ensnare them, Stadnik said.
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