And as debate is sure to ensue in Washington, so it has already online.
If the plan to bar tourists from patronizing these businesses goes through, legal battles are likely to ensue, noted Lap.
Legal disputes are likely to ensue as creditors battle to get back as much money as they can.
CNN: The trillion dollar question: Will Greece exit the euro?
Pipeline stocks will be leaders and traders should consider tapping into the flow of profits that are sure to ensue.
To get a glimpse of the muddle likely to ensue, the province's politicians and parents need only look across the Irish Sea.
But as catastrophe failed to ensue, the wireheads demanded revenge.
"Cameron does not know what he has unleashed, " Mr Farage said: now that the European debate has "started in earnest" in the UK, an independence referendum was sure to ensue.
Yet many of them may still be prepared to make such concessions if a viable, sovereign and contiguous state, free from settler encroachment and from military rule, were eventually to ensue.
ECONOMIST: The Jordan valley: A dry bone of contention | The
However, if Redmond plays dumb or comes up empty handed, a figurative tail will find its way between the company's legs and a handful of dirty looks and I-told-you-so's are likely to ensue.
ENGADGET: Linux users tell Ballmer to put his code where his mouth is
Here's the premise of "Newlyweds: The First Year": Four couples allow a production team inside their minty-fresh marriages to chronicle all the trials and tears over sex and fabric patterns that are sure to ensue during the next 12 months.
Perhaps the chaos and turmoil that is likely to ensue in Greece after a default would scare these other nations and make them more receptive to the kind of bailout deals and austerity measures desperately required to remedy this whole mess.
When Mr Obama announced the deal last week he said it was the only way to avoid the damage to American families and the economy that would ensue if taxes were allowed to rise and long-term unemployment benefits were not extended.
France and Russia have formed their own axis of awkwardness to delay an American-sponsored resolution, casting doubt on whether forceful action would ensue should Iraq refuse to comply.
In fact, some worry that Mr Bush is only too sincere in his desire to support hydrogen, and that many a pork-barrel project will ensue once energy companies wake up to the chance of government assistance.
And if every state had the same proportional tax burden, a natural competition would ensue among them to find the most efficient collection methods.
So when it goes, and if there is nothing present to take its place, troubles ensue.
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In declining rural counties, he said, an influx of groups like Hispanics would serve to renew communities and changes would ensue.
"Firm action" would ensue if the claims proved to be true, he added.
BBC: Gas price-fixing allegations 'very serious', Davey says
Ehud Barak, was obliged to tell his Parliament that he does not know how he is going to handle the security situation that will ensue.
If they are unable to meet interest payments, bankruptcy may ensue.
Music and ceili dance sessions, horse trading, burger and chip-eating and fireworks ensue and the festival comes to a close when a local 12-year old schoolgirl gets crowned Queen Puck, a title to treasure till August comes 'round again.
Justice may follow: the attorney-general is to review the new information and prosecutions could ensue.
As the nation works to regain its footing, continued choppiness could ensue.
Several plot twists ensue, leading Woody and Buzz to form an alliance.
At Goldman and other "too big to fail" banks, though, employees walk through the doors each morning knowing that the rest of us will be forced to bail them out again should another crisis ensue.
Or do we simply put our heads down and use these periods of time to market our talents to the outside world while taking some much-needed rest to prepare for the onslaught that will inevitably ensue from our efforts?
FORBES: Assessing Time Management Issues: A Healthy Gut-Check for the Small Business Owner
On this topic, the bears are quick to remind us that a downward spiral can quickly ensue when such an event occurs.
Where differences of opinion between the two chambers prove difficult to reconcile, a bout of parliamentary ping-pong may ensue - so called because a bill bounces back and forth between the Commons and the Lords until both chambers approve the final wording.
The theory was that if consumers sat there long enough and were exposed to enough ad impressions, some degree of positive behavior would ultimately ensue.