To reduce supply, more resources are needed to eradicate poverty and not just illicit crops.
In June 2008, Principal Voices spoke to Head of Research at Oxfam GB Duncan Green about strategies to eradicate poverty.
The vision aims to eradicate poverty, reduce inequality, make growth inclusive, and production and consumption more sustainable, while combating climate change and respecting a range of other planetary boundaries.
In recent years, the government of Uganda has introduced programmes and critical policy instruments that seek to eradicate poverty and illiteracy and thus to promote national development and transformation by making education accessible to all.
Key organisations and charities led by Consumer Focus Wales and National Energy Action Cymru have developed the fuel poverty charter to highlight the urgent action needed to eradicate fuel poverty.
The government's first goal is to eradicate child poverty in Britain within 20 years.
Whilst the work to eradicate material poverty is important and must continue, we must also realise that on its own this is not enough.
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It demands that we join hands, as at the Job Summit tomorrow, to eradicate the poverty spawned by a system that thrived on the deprivation of the majority.
The Scottish government aims to eradicate fuel poverty by 2016.
The most ambitious objective, "to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger" by 2015, certainly cannot be accomplished without innovative technology--which, in turn, cannot be developed when bans and excessive regulatory barriers impede innovation.
The government will be publishing its own strategy in early 2011 and but as there is an all Wales commitment to eradicate child poverty, public bodies will also be called upon to create strategies.
Since humans need about 3, 000 kWhr per person per year just to have what we consider a decent life, this means the world must produce over 30 trillion kWhrs per year just to eradicate global poverty, war and terrorism.
Economic growth is the only sustainable way to accelerate development and eradicate poverty.
Patricia Lewsley, SDLP, said avoidable child poverty would continue as long as there was no concerted, coordinated action to eradicate it.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Children face 'severe poverty'