He had been sent a link to the excerpt by another teacher, who had received it from her sister, who had been e-mailed it by a friend, and, well, you get the point.
If you'd like to read an excerpt from the book, you can go to npr.org.
Follow this link to read an excerpt from The Power of Passive Investing.
We want to run this excerpt from remarks made on Friday by Ken Livingstone, the mayor of London.
Should it be easier for me to grab a fair use excerpt in return for a link to her book?
FORBES: A Sketch of a Storify: What New Tools Tell Us About Supply and Demand for Content
Excerpt: To get a handle on what you want to say is to ask: What does this speech have to do?
Check out the excerpt below to see the plating of the final dishes.
FORBES: Google+ Hangouts: Initial Impressions From Studiofeast's Cooking Class Hangout
Excerpt: To the resolution of the ten-year-old Alabama dispute with the United States, Gladstones commitment was total and his influence was crucial.
Excerpt: To the peasants and even the townspeople in nearby Tours her husband was not, as he thought, a person they regarded with fear and reverence.
In one excerpt he reminded himself to buy a hooded top, car insurance, a safe and open a bank account, the court heard.
The following is a highly edited and altered excerpt from an introduction to my new ebook, Finding the Future of Digital Book Publishing, synthesized with excerpts and ideas from another introduction to the ebook by Forrester principal analyst James McQuivey, Ph.
Excerpt: It was time to hit the road before our togetherness began to chafe.
Excerpt: The liberal opposition to religious activism in politics is another cause of citizen alienation from government, for many deeply religious citizens do not understand how a nation can call itself democratic when they are accepted in politics only if they are willing to leave behind that aspect of their lives that provides meaning and hope.
Here is an excerpt from what the government had to say about the case and settlement.
Excerpt: When I was promoted to detective second grade and was working plainclothes, my problems began.
Excerpt: It is not easy to convey the sense of stupefying unfamiliarity.
"Wal-Martization" is helping to force branded-goods makers to come up with novel products to maintain pricing ( see also our book excerpt, p. 26).
Excerpt from the GASP scale copyrighted to the American Psychological Association.
Excerpt: It is a little difficult to think of Corry as a body.
Excerpt (McCullough): The lesson to be learned from the Panama Canal is that it succeeded by taking its greatest problem and making the problem an advantage.
Here is an excerpt from a speech that I gave today to a room full of seasoned pros at the Mirren Business Development Conference in New York City, with the goal that they make bold choices (more on that later).
This excerpt looks at the role big data is beginning to play in fraud detection for these services, and the new opportunities that development brings.
FORBES: Anti-Fraud Is Big Opportunity For Google, PayPal, Amazon
Excerpt: Gladstone thought that Irish violence and English reaction to it was corrupting the whole polity.
The excerpt above is from our year-end 2009 letter to investors.
Excerpt: What was the point of dressing up and trying to look pretty?
Excerpt: In my youth, we had fought a war to put the world back the way it was before the war started, only to find that the fighting itself had changed it radically and forever.
One of the IRS employees said in an excerpt that they were told by a supervisor that the need to collect the reports came from Washington, and said that in early 2010 the Cincinnati office had sent copies of seven of the cases to Washington.
But just in case you're not sure, I'll leave you with an excerpt from a song called Head, a 16-minute showcase to Railroad Earth's backwoods (unintelligible).
Excerpt: History writing in the second half of the 20th century tends to eschew grand judgements in favour of reappraisals grounded in a more detailed study of archival and published material.
In the other excerpt, the despotic conductor was just as assertive, but the violinists seemed to pay as much attention to themselves as they did to him.
ECONOMIST: Orchestras really can use the smack of firm leadership