Our ultimate decision to use Microsoft represents more than a switch to Exchange hosted e-mail.
Mooncake coupons are often given out by companies to employees, to exchange for the real thing.
The French, anticipating a problem with the dollar, wanted to exchange dollars for gold.
FORBES: Occupy Wall Streeters Should Be Livid About Losing The Gold Standard
Current shareholders should be able to exchange their existing paper for shares in these new companies.
Our research also shows that this audience wants to exchange information with its community.
TeleVital is developing software that allows hospitals to exchange health care data around the globe.
The next giant leap in sensing will be radio networking that enables cars to exchange information.
CNN: Behold the?all-seeing, self-parking, safety-enforcing, networked car
It was very valuable, so I negotiated with the owner to exchange it for another stamp.
The workshop allowed both trainers and trainees to exchange views and brainstorm relevant subjects.
To fight this, several competition authorities may need to exchange information and act jointly.
But I wonder if the Dog theory can be applied to exchange trade funds with better results.
Yet, sellers and buyers agreed to exchange more and more dollars for a single ounce of gold.
No doubt it is more efficient than always having to exchange a franc for a mark, etc.
Investors will have a choice whether to exchange their shares either for cash or shares of Teva.
Why are many derivative market participants still objecting to exchange clearing of the remaining OTC derivative contracts?
Next up are more robust powers to exchange information with the Immigration Service and the Passport Office.
This workshop provided the experts with the opportunity to establish an international network and to exchange knowledge.
We agreed that it was inappropriate to exchange these things until he got confirmed by the Senate.
It allows managers and co-workers to exchange feedback and recognition, using a social networking site type interface.
FORBES: Salesforce Takes On Dropbox With Cloud Storage And File Sharing Services
Some job seekers band together in regional job clubs to exchange tips, leads and tales of woe.
This counts on the involvement of private investors, who would agree to exchange bonds for longer maturities.
FORBES: Aid Package For Greece Does Not Deter Investment In Gold; Prices Rise Again
Come to the course with a few business cards to exchange before the end of the round.
For most individuals, Santa brought a cornucopia of electronics, gift cards and items to exchange or return.
If you want to exchange information, to give it before you know the facts, the problem is yours.
So when they spoke on the sidelines of the dinner, they had the chance to exchange war stories.
Since our first choice is to exchange with other older adults, unexpected medical problems can be an issue.
The agenda foresees time for discussions that enable COMEST to exchange with the specialists interested in its work.
We had a bumper crop, but please keep your receipt if you wish to exchange any of them.
In addition, there was no platform to exchange information and experiences about ethics education at the global level.
After World War II, it became customary to exchange not only cards, but gifts of chocolate and flowers.