• Which BTW FYI is the most damaging to the Mitochondria, and is very efficient at depleting the Glutathione that BTW is needed to excrete the heavy metals like Mercury and vaccineal Aluminum.

    FORBES: Why Salon's Autism Retraction Matters

  • Before dark, Huong came in and put a carton of orange juice and a cup on the nightstand, saying I must drink a lot of liquids to excrete the poison from my body.

    NEWYORKER: The House Behind a Weeping Cherry

  • Some people who get salmonella infection become chronic carriers, meaning they continue to excrete the bacteria in their feces or, rarely, urine for a year or more after their signs and symptoms clear up.

    CNN: Salmonella infection

  • Long before we run out of the cheapest shale oils that are now fueling the current American oil boom, and long before bio-engineers convince bacteria to excrete oil, hydrocarbon engineers will perfect cheap coal-to-liquids. (For a measured technical exploration of all this, see the National Academy of Sciences report.) The latter will unleash another boom.

    FORBES: The International Energy Agency Catches Up With America's Oil Producers

  • Chelation, from the Greek for "claw, " employs amino-acid-based chemicals that latch onto lead, mercury and other metals, allowing the body to more easily excrete them.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Gruber knew all this, but he also knew that some lactobacilli, the bacteria used to make yogurt, naturally excrete just the left-handed version of lactic acid.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

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