Indiana is the latest top-ranked team from the preseason to fall short of the Final Four.
They were expected, though, to fall short of the two-thirds needed to impeach Musharraf.
The Tide still were sure to fall short of the three-year high-water mark for the opening round.
There, the vast majority of the denials were judged to fall short of the guidelines for further action, or were overturned.
The 80% figure is an aggregate, allowing individual countries to fall short of the objective, but only on the questionable assumption that others will exceed it.
Bury were another team to fall short of the play-offs but their captain, midfielder Stephen Dawson will be playing in League One next season anyway after agreeing to join Leyton Orient and I'm sure he will fit right in.
Government authorities would also draw comfort from the pickup in exports, which are set to fall significantly short of the target for the current fiscal year.
The company said "the German market cannot detach itself from this development and is expected to fall significantly short of the previous year's level".
"We've gone through those data to see if we can see any influence of gravity on the positions at which they annihilate - looking for atoms to fall for the short amount of time they exist before they hit the wall, " he told BBC News.
The Tories said the figures suggested the government was going to fall well short of its targets for the scheme.
How concerned are you that the lump sum the federal government would provide to Medicare recipients would fall far short of the cost of healthcare insurance for older Americans, and make their paying for coverage a hardship?
But an aide said he decided to hold the legislation when it became clear it would fall well short of the 60 votes needed to pass.
That means even if McCain were to go 6-for-6 in the current tossup states, he would still fall short of the 270 electoral votes needed to capture the White House.
In the UEFA Champions League round of 16 second legs Arsenal come close to pulling off a magnificent comeback but fall a goal short of pushing the game to extra time and beat Milan 3-0 at the Emirates.
The assault continued after tea, but White was to fall seven short of a double century, leaving Nicky Boje to accompany Hall to the close.
Without accurate, real-time translation, the Internet will fall short of its potential to be the first universal communications medium.
The steps, however, fall short of Shiite demands to break the current system, which allows rulers to hand-pick Cabinet members and other key posts.
But lower-than-projected retail sales per square foot and later-than-expected openings in nonrestaurant retail mean sales-tax revenue from the project will fall short of what is needed to cover the debt service on the city bonds issued to help pay for the district's development, according to Troy Schulte, the city's budget officer.
Like Germany's reforms, the plans fall short of what is needed to avoid further wrenching changes down the road.
Democratic leaders believe it will get more than 50 votes -- so they will be able to claim it won a majority in the chamber -- but will fall short of the 60 it would need to win Senate approval.
Even the most optimistic projections of government aid from Western nations fall woefully short of what would be required to resuscitate the economies of the former Soviet republics.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The U.S.-Soviet Trade Agreement: Overtaken By Events
An aide told CNN that Reid decided to cancel the test vote when it became clear the measure would fall well short of the 60 votes needed.
CNN: Big Three auto CEOs flew private jets to ask for taxpayer money
It says a way must be found to ensure that a scheme does not fall short of the government's vision of higher achievement.
DuPont and Radio Shack are the latest companies to fall short of expectations and dive lower.
As a result, utilities have to figure out how to balance the supply with the demand when the supply might fall short or exceed the need at any given time of the day.
"Homosexual genital acts fall short of the Christian ideal and are to be met with a call to repentance and the exercise of compassion, " according to Anglican doctrine.
The best thing that could happen is that they fall short of their estimates, go back to the drawing board and find a better way to use this finite resource.
What that means is the road builders want spending determined by various assessments from the Department of Transportation and others of what's needed to maintain and improve the transportation infrastructure in the U.S. If receipts coming into the Highway Trust Fund fall short of those needs, the lobby argues Congress should close the gap.
And even with the increase in facilities, the provision of care may continue to fall short of what is needed.
In theory, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney could fall short of the 1, 144 delegates needed to have his nomination locked.
FORBES: Ron Paul Taking His Campaign Fight To Tampa Convention