However, as much as I respect Suu Kyi (and I respect her a lot), I feel certain that she needs to go beyond reconciliation and rethink her strategy of pushing the Western world to implement stringent economic sanctions against Myanmar.
"If there is a message at all, it's probably that we have to recognize in ourselves how we feel morally about certain things and make sure we follow that up with our actions, " says the actress and celebrity spokesperson for Estee Lauder cosmetics.
"At a certain point, you want to feel that connection, " she added.
The third issue why it may matter, is simply out of people's feeling of happiness and wellbeing, and if we find people are perennially worried about certain issues that they feel unable to talk to people about, then their unhappiness and concern must be, at the end of the day, something of importance in social policy and to the government.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Panorama | Interview with Professor Webber
Just the way that certain places are designed to make you feel a certain way (think: a really great boutique hotel), so too is the Uncovet site.
It is almost certain that others in the region would feel compelled to get their own nuclear weapon, triggering an arms race in one of the world's most volatile regions.
While some may criticize the effort, suggesting it is hard to feel sorry for millionaires who make bad investment decisions, that shows a certain ignorance about the situation.
And while we feel a certain sadness that Senator Kennedy is not with us to honor her, let us also take pleasure tonight in knowing just how much he would have loved and admired Magodonga Mahlangu and the organization that she helps lead -- WOZA, which stands for Women of Zimbabwe Arise, and is represented tonight by one of its founders, Jenni Williams.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Presents Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award | The White House
And can you target certain things, and say we're going to do special programs in the inner cities with a certain statistical base that we feel is, you know, I think those are fairer.
The original, with its touch of the uncanny, has a special appeal for techno-geek teen-agers and perhaps for certain intellectuals who feel trapped in a corporate-controlled culture that they are powerless to fight.
"If we feel that you are making decisions unilaterally and are using negotiations as an instrument to justify your illegal actions, be certain that the process will change, " he said.
Every driver on earth has become accustomed to a certain degree of control over their vehicles, and I wonder how long it would take people to feel comfortable giving that up.
FORBES: Would You Feel Safe in a Driverless Car? Calif. Gov. Jerry Brown Does.