But as the share price climbed amid other offers, he began to feel out of his league.
WSJ: In Bidding Wars, Retail Investors Can Get Caught in the Crossfire
In the mean time, investors are left to feel out which assets those are, and how to interpret the meaning of such a large sale.
The guests are beginning to feel out the atmosphere, trying to figure out who will make the first move at the veggie tray, seeing if they know anybody, trying to see who takes the first glass of champagne.
FORBES: Summer Networking Social 101: How To Keep Spirits High While Serving Spirits
"I try to go with general, easy questions to try to feel them out, " he says.
WSJ: More Doctors Broach Subject of Women's Age and Fertility
The HR and talent management markets are just too big for a company like IBM to feel left out.
Folks who meet the recommended physical activity guidelines of 150 minutes a week are 65% less likely to feel tuckered out during the day, a 2011 study found.
The wardrobe department (or possibly Camila, who will one day rule us all) decided to make Camilla's GIANT HAIR BOWS her "signature thing, " so all the others got to wear weird things too so as not to feel left out.
Hopefully, a good bit of that homework has been completed for you here, but feel free to shout out any first-hand experiences that you feel could help millions of others make a better choice when choosing their HD provider.
Even if few of them will now switch to support Mr Lazio, far fewer will feel provoked to turn out to vote against him.
They're going to feel each other out and see whether there are opportunities to cooperate.
"In our talks with Brahimi and with our American colleagues, we are trying to feel a way out of this situation on the basis of our common plan of action that was agreed on in Geneva in June, " Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said, according to state-run RIA Novosti.
All of a sudden, when she makes a few too many edits to your monthly report, you might not feel like going out to dinner with her that night.
Many in the working-class New Orleans neighborhoods closely tied to local culture feel priced out.
Feel free to toss out a couple of suggestions based on price ranges, too.
ENGADGET: Ask Engadget HD: Which HD DVD player should I pick up for the holidays?
Feel free to go out on a limb and tell us where you believe a brand exists.
Until then, feel free to check out our impromptu hands-on video of the Q702 after the break.
It's just a feeling, and you've got to try and feel comfortable out there as much as possible.
As great minds are let go from long-time jobs, they should feel liberated to go out and try something new.
FORBES: How Our Health Insurance System Is Silently Suffocating Startups
"Companies began to feel pressure to get out of South Africa, " says Davis, who edits Global Proxy Watch, a weekly newsletter.
For more details, feel free to check out the video after the break or peruse the project's Indiegogo page by clicking at the source link.
ENGADGET: Insert Coin: Arduino-compatible Pinoccio microcontroller sports battery, WiFi
But I feel obliged to point out that this banker - like pretty much all his peers - has for three years consistently under-estimated the magnitude of what has gone wrong in Europe's currency union.
The accumulation of affairs has brought out a flurry of personal testimony in France from highly placed women politicians and officials who now feel empowered to speak out on the issue of sexual harassment by men in politics.
These entrepreneurs state that being part of the Ashoka network allows them to not feel isolated or out of step with society, that they have an identity as a social entrepreneur, that they can achieve their goals, that they belong.
The local phone monopolies have no incentive to aggressively roll out DSL. They feel no competitive pressure to do so.
The kickers want to get out nice and early to have a feel for the pitch and the wind.
After my stories are edited and sent on The Associated Press wire, I like to head out to the course to get a feel for how the day went.
Batsmen feel under pressure when they are forced to play out a string of maidens and you really feel the screw tightening all the time.
And it is not clear whether, if it was convinced this was about to happen, America would feel compelled to hold Israel back and carry out the strikes itself.