Mother sharks abandon pups almost right after birth because they're able to fend for themselves.
So that means that users of Apple Mail kind of have to fend for themselves.
A. students everywhere have to fend for themselves in an extremely tough job market.
In more recent times drug companies had other priorities, and women were left to fend for themselves.
Wives are left behind to fend for themselves and to raise their usually sizeable brood of children alone.
Moreover, those who fare worst among the workers will be the unskilled, least able to fend for themselves.
McCaw simply folded his tent and left other shareholders to fend for themselves.
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This has left individuals to fend for themselves in a way they haven't had to since before World War II.
One of the tragedies of Hurricane Katrina were the thousands of pets who got left behind to fend for themselves.
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As companies abandoned pension plans during the 1970s and onward, Americans were slowly pushed to fend for themselves in retirement.
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Players are given a handful of settlers and placed in the biome of their choosing, and left to fend for themselves.
Is this a place where everyone is left to fend for themselves?
In the wild they are forced to fend for themselves straight away.
It may then abandon some of the suppliers to fend for themselves.
Apart from moral support and a legal framework, they have been left to fend for themselves, like economic orphans, in a highly competitive market.
Are the needs of other species truly best served by leaving them to fend for themselves in a world that we have come to dominate?
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Local troops and authorities, including the FSB security service, were largely left to fend for themselves, with almost no federal officials lending support or experience.
Given the awesome size of the task, separated adults are left to fend for themselves, while resources are concentrated on reuniting children with their families.
But when families are struggling, when they don't have the basic necessities that allows them to see these opportunities, we don't leave them to fend for themselves.
"The managed care companies would go after the healthy elderly, and the frail, old elderly would be left out to fend for themselves without adequate coverage, " she said.
Everyone else had to fend for themselves in the market.
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And then cut middle-class families loose to fend for themselves.
In 2014 when the new insurance exchanges are up and running employers will rapidly dump millions of workers who qualify for subsidies onto the exchange and leave them to fend for themselves.
Whoever is at fault, the result is that many flood victims have been left to fend for themselves, struggling to remake their homes or rebuild their ruined farms with the few resources they can muster.
McCaw may have left his shareholders to fend for themselves but he made sure that if any other entities intervened on behalf of the minority shareholders and the price went up, he was price protected.
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"That does not work, particularly if it makes the prisons overcrowded, unresponsive places where they toughen up and meet some rougher friends and then are released to fend for themselves in the outside world, " he told MPs.