The brother said he would like to finish school but there wasn't enough money for supplies.
CNN: Behind the Scenes: Inner city kids travel to South Africa
Those who lost a scholarship due to injury still need tuition, room and board to finish school.
FORBES: Maryland and Rutgers Move to Big Ten: Savvy Realignment or Priorities Misalignment.
My unemployment status, as well the credit crunch, is making it nearly impossible for me to get the money that I need to finish school.
"We chose not to put lots of shares in trust for our children because we wanted them to finish high school, go to college, get married and be goal-oriented, " says Knight, whose company ranks 70 on our 200 Best list.
Legal immigrants to the country are more likely to have failed to finish high school than either native-born Americans or immigrants to other English-speaking countries.
If there's not the financial support, the moral support, you're not going to finish law school.
And for the few who do manage to finish secondary school, new university scholarships are on offer.
His wife and daughter followed that April, while his youngest son stayed behind in New Canaan to finish high school.
And even among the employed, those who finished college make twice as much as those who failed to finish high school.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama discusses College Affordability in Michigan | The White House
She says she is going to finish high school and then really go ahead with her modeling ambitions and is considering acting.
Some of the highest smoking rates are in Southern states, and the proportion of women who failed to finish high school is also highest in the South.
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The software entrepreneur and his wife each were the first in their families to finish high school, let alone go to college, so they don't have outsize academic dreams for Shark.
Why not set it up so departments inside companies can champion a class of low-income kindergarteners, setting aside college money (in the form of equity in their own company) for whomever stays on to finish high school?
Girls in these rural regions of Ethiopia and Tanzania are now being targeted by a new initiative launched by UNESCO and the Packard Foundation to equip them with the life skills they need to successfully finish school.
On Monday night, Baylor will try to become the first Big 12 school to finish undefeated in women's conference play twice, having done it last season.
She is also a vocal supporter of the DREAM Act, a bill that aims to offer an opportunity for legalization to illegal immigrants who finish high school and go on to college or enlist in the military.
As soon as they finish high school or as soon as I finish grammar school, I have to work through high school and sometimes not even go to college.
What she hopes for, she told me, is that she'll live two more years to see her eldest daughter finish school.
She occasionally gave advice to Hanecki's daughter, an aspiring engineer, and encouraged her to stay in school and finish her degree.
Another two dozen students returned to campus to finish up after hearing from the school.
"A lot of families can't afford food and need food stamps and health care, even just child care so they can finish school or go to work, " said McGrath, who volunteers with children at her local Police Athletic League.
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The plan is for her to finish her final two years of high school in Hawaii and then attend college.
If they didn't, they said, they would have to find time to use the Internet later at school or finish up at the library or McDonald's.
Draft day might very well still belong to Luck, but Griffin diverted the Heisman to Waco, Texas, to a school that has never had a player finish better than fourth in the voting and that was 48 years ago.
And his hope is that, as more girls stay on and finish school, the birth rate will drop to the same level as China.
Just this week, I left an important annual dinner, full of rich networking opportunities, to be home for my son so he could finish a school project.