Your products always solve a pain that your customers have the money to fix.
At the same time, provincial governments intervened to fix the wholesale price at which millers sell.
Unlike Apple, U.S. lawmakers have the power to fix our broken corporate tax system.
But Germany's focus on discipline is arguably an attempt to fix a democratic deficit.
Compromise is a doubtful way to fix a limit, though a common one among politicians.
While his father was gone, he learned to fix leaky plumbing in the house.
So to fix this, we focused on slowing the company down and learning our unit economics.
GalleyCat then published about how to fix things on Twitter with some creative ideas.
FORBES: False White House Scare Thanks To Hacked AP Twitter Account Feed
Yet there seems to be little political will to fix the nagging problem of Social Security.
The good news is that you still have time to fix this disaster of a speech.
FORBES: Should I rehearse, and for how long? -Presentation Training
Instead of making a broken system larger, a saner approach would be to fix Medicaid first.
His goal is not to fix a property, but to get it to some minimum standard.
Now Alan Mulally, Ford's plain-speaking new chief executive, has set out to fix this.
"We'd like to fix it so we have no more normal angiograms, " he says.
The problem, however, is that we're still using hardware to fix a software problem.
The company warned passengers to expect teething problems, but promised to fix them within two weeks.
Then a scientist, the man playing this very French music, figured out how to fix it.
Not with an economy to fix and cities to rebuild and farms to save.
" If the immigration debate isn't used "as an opportunity to fix flaws .
Others kept busy sifting through what remained or trying to fix what they could.
If you are in politics, what problem in society are you trying to fix?
They are willing to do whatever they can to fix the problem and make it right.
FORBES: Good Employees Make Mistakes. Great Leaders Allow Them To.
This is a bug, which we plan to fix shortly (see Software Update section below).
No time to fix your make-up before someone takes your picture with the SP-620UZ?
ENGADGET: Olympus unveils a cavalcade of point and shoot cameras and a PEN lens at CES
Repeal Obamacare, but understand that much more needs to happen to fix the health care system.
FORBES: If I Could Write New Year's Resolutions For The GOP ...
So Gordon formed her own nonprofit, vowing to fix orphanages one outpost at a time.
Even if you are not actively looking now, it can take months to fix mistakes.
You want to identify any problems early and have adequate time to fix anything.
Stop trying to fix them and instead, recommend they download a copy of Reinventing You.
Now they are praised and saluted for sponsoring the legislation to fix the problems they created.