In minutes, the sky would turn from a perfect blue to a foreboding gray.
The strolling man and woman mentioned in the title are easy to miss, but once seen they add an unmistakable note of foreboding to the composition.
Pretty soon the numbers began to portray a picture that turned the puffy white cloud to gray and foreboding.
In fact, the only thing likely to seriously vex you is the foreboding cliff-hanger Rowling leaves you to contemplate as you close the book.
CNN: Books - Review: Gladly drinking from Rowling's 'Goblet of Fire'
Adding to the sense of foreboding is the fact that Wells Fargo, the city's other big bank, is now a likely candidate for a takeover, probably by U.S. Bancorp, based in Minneapolis.
There's enough foreboding in America right now to make sitting through a movie such as "The Road" seem like one more heavy burden that, frankly, no one needs.
In this time of fear and foreboding, two Frenchmen came together to develop the blueprint for modern Europe.
They do this to make a case look more serious or foreboding.
CNN: Transcript: Schippers, Lowell briefings before Judiciary panel, part 2
To many investors the crash seemed mysterious and foreboding.
Scott and Claudia Sheppard are among the many people who feel a sense of foreboding about global warming and are trying to do something about it.
To many investors, the collapse seemed mysterious and foreboding.
Kramer fears that the Congressional Oversight Panel's foreboding message may prove true and it will just take awhile for us to see its effect.
The fear of gridlock and its political consequences--demonstrated in the 1994 elections and a foreboding omen for the 1996 elections--may keep prodding the members of Congress to action and, eventually, compromise.
Even more foreboding than these reports are statements by Obama's foreign policy advisers regarding his plans to open direct contacts with Iran.