As a project -- to gather together our collective knowledge -- Wikipedia is admirable.
The region's Latinos are thus dispersed, yet even in the suburbs they tend to gather together in groups.
Mr Williams said suppliers were pleased to be able to gather together to gain information about how the crisis impacted on them.
Surely you have the right to gather together with your office friends.
The lesson from all this is that Chile needs to gather together its statisticians into a single agency, such as a new and improved INE, and give it more autonomy and a broader remit.
Through a combination of credit schemes and government direction, he aims to gather small businessmen together into groups with more clout.
The delay in sending a bill to Congress allowed opponents to gather momentum and put together their attack.
Jack Welch used to gather his senior executives together in January and tell them to act as though they had just been newly appointed to their jobs.
The move brings to light a separate stream of the family, derived from the affair of a great-grandfather and an African-American cook, and black and white relatives, hitherto unknown to one another, gather together.
Open Access experts from universities, specialized non-governmental organizations, UN agencies and publishing houses will gather together to deliberate on the strategy, present the global trends in OA and identify opportunities to improve access to peer-reviewed research information to all.
Lt Carman said they were only allowed to gather for a few hours together, in the full glare of Iranian media.
To form a True North Group, gather together a small group of people who are compatible and respectful of each other.
The review concludes that regulators in all EU countries need to work better together to support early detection of problems, share the information they gather and take appropriate action to protect patients.
We are learning new ways to gather, sift and recombine what we know and learn together.
The generals want a new national coalition to gather parties of the centre-right and the centre-left together, so enabling the postponement until 2000 of a general election.
It would be better by far to divide Britain into nominal provinces and have all of the directly elected councillors for the metropolitan areas, other urban areas and the county councils gather together and elect from within their own ranks representatives to go to the upper house.
And as we gather more evidence and work together, my intention is to make sure that we're presenting everything that we know to the international community as an additional reason, an additional mechanism, for the international community to put all the pressure that they can on the Assad regime, and to work with the opposition to bring about that political transition.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds a Press Conference with Prime Minister Erdogan | The White House
Well, Google is bringing together more than 60 privacy policies so it is able to gather all the data it has on each person, creating individual profiles to connect the dots from one service to another.
Dhingra said the fire "didn't last long, " and he managed to gather with other workers in a nearby office, where an evacuation plan was thrown together.
You gather together and maybe you're talking about who you're going to serve at, besides celebrating.
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The conference will gather together representatives of the media, governmental bodies, academia and civil society to discuss the progress and challenges of right to information in Latin America.