When push comes to shove, it has at times been ready to get a move on.
For all these reasons, the central bank seems keen for the government to get a move on.
It was only on January 23rd that Belgian students organised protest rallies to urge their country's politicians to get a move on.
The powerful industrial economies will need to get a move on or the doldrums are going to set in for a good deal longer.
Some political observers say the economic crisis that Obama is inheriting is raising the stakes to get a move on his recovery plan -- even if Congress isn't 100 percent behind it.
The effort involved in getting the documents you need signed is so small and what it can save you in time, money and trouble later is so huge, I hope some of my readers will be inspired to get a move on.
The goal: To get the trains to run on a tight schedule and thereby move more trains through the system faster and more reliably.
Ms. HAYWARD: I think a lot of congressmen would like the FCC to do something that would get everyone to calm down a little bit so that they can move on to other things.
They also may only stay with an employer a brief time to get the training they need, just to move on to something bigger or better in a very short time.
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Yet nobody made a move to get up from the table or to turn on an electric light.
The management won't be able to get anyone to move into the renovated hotel, so the owners will beg the boys to stay on at a reduced rent.
And let's find out exactly, together, what happened, because we got a lot more important things to move on to and get done.
The beauty of Elliott Waves is that they are a dynamic approach to the market, allowing you to exit a wrong position relatively quickly, and get on board the right move, at the right time.
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Manager Nigel Worthington said that Healy's move to Rangers was a "golden chance to get his career back on track".
Creatures pursuing you will get hung up on a pot or doorway and not be able to move.
It would also be a smart move for the Republican Party if they ever hope to get on base with black voters.
One reason for the turnaround is that local governments have ramped up the tax incentives to get companies to move to or stay on Long Island, said Shital Patel, a state labor market analyst who studies Long Island.
Here's what you will get on Amtrak: a feeling of unparalleled excitement when the train starts to move and gathers speed.
She'll finally get her associate's degree in May, and then she plans to move on to a four-year school, the University of Central Florida, to study forensics.
' But there comes a point where you've got to figure it out and get to the bottom of it and move on.
In a market uptrend, this is one of the best ways to identify winning stocks and put them on a watch list so you can get on board before a big price move.
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The Conservatives said it was evidence of the need for "proper controls" on immigration - including a cap on work permits and language test for those who want to move to Britain to get married.
Mr. FORD: The advantage we have over a municipal police department is if we get somebody who's burned out and wants to move on we do have options for him, so we can bring somebody in who is reenergized and invigorated and wants to work hard.
The idea being that our clients will then get the chance to evaluate a property and how to make it better for season two, instead of needing to move on to something new.
Also in a clever viral move to spread adoption, each new subscriber will get five 30-day companion licenses which will operate on any platform and allow the customer to build their own circle of secure communications.
She told the BBC News website: "You can't sleep because the traffic keeps moving on a couple of inches and everyone starts beeping their horns and you have to wake up and get into gear and move on".