For instance, you should always be able to get information based on when you need it.
Text4baby is an innovative way to get information into the hands of expectant and new mothers.
Are you able to get information from Myanmar about the impact that that aid is making?
He said earlier efforts to get information from the White House had been ignored.
It means anyone easy to get information anywhere else like you see the real view.
The instant-on and touch metaphor makes it very easy to get information you want.
The point was to get information out about a recommendation that was very relevant at the time.
But filing subpoenas to get information quickly to identify and locate a suspect could cost life-saving time.
Potentially anybody from truckers to company executives will be able to get information when, and where, they need it.
It was unclear what other steps, in total, the Justice Department might have taken to get information in the case.
Each of us is a blend of these types, although one is certainly predominant in how we prefer to get information.
Were they to get information, or were they to get her to falsely testify when she was called as a witness?
Windows 8 offers lots of ways to get information into the system.
In a survey by Roper Public Affairs, 80% of business decision-makers said they prefer to get information via articles, not ads.
Be on the lookout of people trying to get information from you.
"He was sort of like the beacon that always we would go to get information concerning what's happening in the neighborhood, " Pruitt said.
When King asked Felt whether he felt he had done anything wrong in going outside approved channels to get information out, Felt was unequivocal.
"We have as high a motive to get information that will prevent attacks on our soldiers as anybody does, " he said of the military.
He also said the person who had hired the lawyer was no longer working at the NCAA, making it more difficult to get information.
Last Friday the group from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science came to Brussels to get information on possibilities for their secondment in Brussels.
To compile our estimates we talked to lawyers, agents, producers and other in-the-know folks to get information on earnings between May 2010 and May 2011.
In too many communities, it is easier to get information on the quality of the local restaurants than on the quality of the local schools.
It is no news to those of us who live in cities and own smart phones that we are using them to get information about restaurants.
Be sure to also conduct your own primary research to get information specific to your particular, unique business and the sub-set of consumers you hope to attract.
FORBES: Step 3 for a Successful Startup: The Importance of Market Research
Imagine taking a call you thought was from the police, your credit card company or bank when actually it's a crook trying to get information out of you.
Two-thirds of internet users under the age of 30 have a social-networking profile, and half of these use the sites to get information about politics or the campaigns.
ECONOMIST: The battle to master new media becomes ever more intense
Although glitzy, stat-filled jerseys are certainly sufficient ways to get information off your chest (ahem), a new vibrating vest could give "body language" an entirely new meaning.
ENGADGET: Tactile display could convey signals on soldiers' backs
It has also become easier to get information from elsewhere.
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