When she was too depressed to get out of bed, I had to help her.
The 22-year-old said he struggles to get out of bed at times and has cut short a holiday to return for scans.
But Brig Munro said the regime did not motivate or encourage young offenders to get out of bed and take part in purposeful activity.
Apparently, it's hard for these sovereign investors and wealth funds to get out of bed for anything less than half a billion pounds worth of investment.
Earlier this month, Bendner admitted that he had to cut short a holiday for scans on the problem and he struggles to get out of bed at times.
Brewster, who grew up in Boston, came to the field as a green entrepreneur, wanting to find something "that would get me pumped up to get out of bed every morning, " he says.
Third, the child with bipolar disorder often has a daily variation: he becomes highly active at night and in the morning he is like a hibernating bear, all but impossible to get out of bed.
From colored lighting and ambient music to digital art (on your TV), temperature, window blinds and specially designed mood-enhanced wake-up calls (like "wake me gently" or "wake me wildly"), you can direct the room's whole look and feel, all without having to get out of bed.
Could I have gotten just five more people, 24 more people to just get out of bed and do what they needed to do or feeling the promise of four more years?
And even as a kid, I knew there were plenty of days when he was in pain, and I knew there were plenty of mornings when it was a struggle for him to simply get out of bed.
"I needed Don to get me out of bed this morning, " he said at one point, according to the person familiar with the situation.
She said having the alarm clock hide was the most obvious way to get snoozers out of bed.
An exercise partner to get you out of bed on a winter morning or away from your desk helps ensure that workouts don't get skipped.
The two women have said they need assistance in their own homes to help them get out of bed and carry out daily tasks like getting dressed and going to the shops.
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We can argue about this, but one of the reactions you might have looking at those films is you want to grab some of these people, like the boy that won't get out of bed to go to school, you feel admiration for the sense of pride and sense of respect that the older have.
When a Downing Street advisor points out that loneliness is probably more dangerous to our health in retirement than smoking, there are plenty who immediately assume that the advice is part of some dastardly statist plot to get pensioners out of their one-bed flats to sweat their final years away on a factory production line - see below for one example.
Ordinary tasks can seem insurmountable and there is a desire to just not get out of bed.
What they want to get them up and out of bed every morning is food-water-shelter.
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How many people would have the ability to get back out of that hospital bed and get in a wheelchair and come in and vote, vote for this?
My goal was to get in there and motivate patients so that they wanted to jump out of their chemo bed and literally start swinging at this thing.
But you know when you move around wearing pajama pants, you tend to forget that you didn't just get out of bed!
Her installation featured a remote-controlled harness and sling to help get a disabled person out of a hospital-style bed, as well as a "cozy chair" that tilts and adjusts easily, and moves around on wheels.
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Eventually, all the work took its toll -- he collapsed and could barely get out of bed -- but he knew he had to press on.
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Even my dog knows that if you get out of bed before, say, noon you're going to have a bad time.
Why would anyone in his right mind stress himself out and get out of bed at 5:30 a.m. on a weekend to go for a run?
Many makers sell optional conversion kits costing as much as a couple hundred dollars, which turn the crib into a toddler bed, often partially surrounded by rails and low enough to get in and out of without help.
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My job as a home care worker was to read to her (the Bible only), help her to the bathroom, walk her a short distance outside in her walker, and get her in and out of bed.
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The product claims to help you save up to 20% on your heating and cooling bills, while ensuring the house is always warm when you get out of bed.