"We want to create the feeling you used to get in record stores when somebody would hand you something and say, 'You have to hear this, ' " says Amy Schriefer, who supervises "First Listen" and the live events.
WSJ: The Improbable Rise of NPR Music
This led them to a related finding: The words that manage to be born now become more popular than new words used to get, possibly because they describe something genuinely new (think "iPod, " "Internet, " "Twitter").
WSJ: Culturomics Looks at the Birth and Death of Words
We get comfortable with something, get used to it and then someone moves our stuff, and we get annoyed.
ENGADGET: This is the Modem World: We're all a bunch of cranky old men
The guy looked at me like I was crazy, which was something I was to get used to over the next few years.
CNN: From a voyage of discovery to a real ocean odyssey
It's definitely something we have to get used to.
WSJ: Rolston loses NHL head coaching debut with Sabres
The heated seat is something you get used to fast.
WSJ: In the Driver's Seat
And this is really a special occasion and something you never really get used to.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Welcomes BCS National Champion Alabama Crimson Tide | The White House
That's something I've got to now get used to.
BBC: David Fa'alogo is confident over Giants fitness
Expect your adrenaline levels to rocket and, in the warm, thin air, you will realise that cowering in front of an oncoming silverback is not something you could ever get used to.
BBC: Gorillas in the mix in Uganda
Working for a big studio means a much bigger budget and a few luxuries, something Jason admits he could get used to.
BBC: Newsbeat
And that is something Mr Abe's government will have to get used to.
ECONOMIST: Bank of Japan