Miss Blunnie, a catering student and barmaid, was due to give birth to a girl within days.
BBC: Eystna Blunnie death: Murder accused 'found her wounded'
Brown said the database isn't to give parents a way to give birth to mini-celebrity look-alikes.
She was treated at the Walsall clinic and went on to give birth to a healthy daughter, now three.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | West Midlands | Clinic creates frozen egg twins
But his plans may be altered with his wife Ayda due to give birth to their first child any day.
Even if the fractious five manage to give birth to their long overdue resolution, Mr Hussein will probably reject it, smartly.
Nikitta Grender, 19, died two weeks before she was due to give birth to a girl she had already called Kelsey-May.
Miss Blunnie was due to give birth to a girl within days.
BBC: Eystna Blunnie death: Accused 'obsessed' with Guitar Hero
In effect, one species can be made to give birth to another.
Females usually give birth to a litter of two to three cubs, but have been known to give birth to as many as six.
Dr Wang is seeking to identify specific genetic traits that make women more likely to give birth to a low birth weight or premature baby.
Marlene Sanders, one of the very few women who managed to do on-the-air reporting for network television, left in 1960 to give birth to a son.
Male foetuses put much more strain on the mother's body, they are more difficult to give birth to, and they are much more likely to take risks.
Overall, the remainder of the year looks exciting for Dunne as his wife Pamela is due to give birth to the couple's first child later this month.
That, in turn, would explain why women in rich countries, who are less likely to suffer from hunger and disease, are more likely to give birth to sons.
ECONOMIST: The sex of a child may depend on how stressed its mother is
Before she took leave to give birth to her daughter three months ago, she often worked until 8 or 9 p.m. and frequently had to travel out of state.
The Duchess, whose maiden name is Kate Middleton, has kept a low profile since the announcement in December that she is set to give birth to her first child in July.
Since 2007 was the Year of the Pig, women across the country reportedly timed their pregnancies to give birth to so-called "golden pig babies, " who are said to be blessed with prosperity.
Team Active has been engaged in a desperate plea for help in an industry that seems to give birth to a new ETF every week, making them costly, and as outdated as the mutual index fund.
The actress, who is married to writer and actor Ian Kershaw, took time off in 2001 to give birth to her daughter Martha Mo, and had a year's break in 2007 to spend more time with her family.
He said that during the Southern Hemisphere summer, sharks often come in closer to shore to feed and to give birth, although that doesn't necessarily equate to a greater risk of attack.
The logical reply from right-to-lifers might be that we don't have a problem of too many babies, but too many government services that allow people like Suleman to give birth without regard to means.
Only women possess the ability to give birth and to nurse new human beings.
No surprise for a man who, in his own words, has "an urge, like a pregnant elephant, to go away and give birth to a book".
Pregnant women at risk of complications would also have to travel to hospital in Middlesbrough to give birth.
The Basilica is where Christians believe the Angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would give birth to Christ.
Suppressing the immune systems of women who suffer recurrent miscarriage may be able to allow many more to give birth.
In the late Heian era (893-1185), when the book is set, the ruling Fujiwara clan of upper-class commoners (to which Murasaki belonged) would send their daughters to court at Kyoto, hoping that one would give birth to a crown prince and ensure their control of the imperial power.
ECONOMIST: Millennium issue: The tale of Murasaki Shikibu | The
They are also more likely to carry out surgery to prevent vaginal tearing compared to women who give birth at night.
An app is being developed to help women choose where to give birth.
And I have since updated my baby math: If I don't get pregnant on my own within the next year or so, I plan to thaw my eggs and hopefully give birth to my first child at 44 and maybe a second by 46.