Junior minister Matthew Hancock is due to give evidence to the committee on Monday.
Ms Lagwinowicz was due to give evidence to a jury at Bristol Crown Court.
BBC: Catherine Wells-Burr death: No evidence from murder duo
Bacher was sent numerous invitations to travel to Pakistan to give evidence, but he never appeared.
Liverpool chose not to give evidence but in court excerpts of his diary were read out.
They also agreed to give evidence against nine other men charged with the killing.
Mr Liverpool has chosen not to give evidence and none has been called on his behalf.
Evans declined to enter the witness box to give evidence on her own behalf.
Previously, the prosecutor Anthony Armstrong had criticised the defendants' failure to give evidence in the trial.
The spokesman said Mr Clegg was happy to give evidence and participate in the two inquiries.
Mr Levy's widow, Tina, was forced to give evidence a total of five times.
Under these circumstances it is futile to call Dr. Mahathir to give evidence in this trial.
Earlier reports said they had offered to give evidence, possibly in return for a lighter sentence.
Ofqual is expected to give evidence on Thursday, the final day of the hearing.
Meanwhile, another two former IRA members have also come forward to give evidence to the tribunal.
The disclosure of his relationship came after Ms Dawson was called by the court to give evidence.
Professor David Heald of the University of Aberdeen was next to give evidence on the spending review.
The upside is that a judge-led inquiry has the power to compel key witnesses to give evidence.
The girl, now aged four, became the youngest child to give evidence at the Old Bailey, through a video link.
Lord Hutton's report follows two months of hearings in which Mr Blair himself was called to give evidence.
They added that they would be prepared to give evidence in any libel action against the Daily Mail.
Members of the emergency services are also to give evidence along with the NI Heath and Safety Executive.
BBC: Spence family slurry deaths: Inquest hears tragic details
But the parliamentary bible, Erskine May, makes clear peers cannot be forced to give evidence to Commons select committees.
However, he urged the IRA army council to release them from that oath to allow them to give evidence.
"It's very rare for officers to give evidence against their colleagues, " he added.
There are more than 25 witnesses to give evidence during the inquest which is due to finish on Tuesday.
BBC: Spence family slurry deaths: Inquest hears tragic details
About 76 witnesses will be called to give evidence, including the serving and former head of the Prison Service.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | London | Racist killer's intent 'missed'
Up to 50 witnesses are expected to give evidence at the two-week hearing.
Mr Ahmed has chosen not to give evidence at the trial, which continues.
The very fact of requiring ministers and their officials to give evidence has often resulted in changes of policy.
The prime minister said he would "answer all the questions" asked of him if he was called to give evidence.