That's why we enacted initiatives that are beginning to give rise to a clean energy economy.
WHITEHOUSE: "White House to Main Street" Town Hall: Elyria, OH
But the court hearings, expected to last over two months, are certain to give rise to more soul-searching.
When a protein, or group of proteins, malfunctions, it appears to give rise to a variety of distinct illnesses.
The tiny components in chips are already starting to give rise to errors.
You can be in a situation where the problems of actually administering it at that time are themselves going to give rise to complaints.
E. appears later in life as well, because it takes a long time for the initial trauma to give rise to nerve-cell breakdown and death.
The particular duties examined are certainly not exhaustive but have been chosen because they appear to give rise to the greatest areas of civil liability and criminal exposure.
" Hansen agrees: "If you look at the fundamentals, there have not been enough changes to give rise to the belief that we will be in recovery in 1999.
He wants only to light a small fire, enough to cook a simple meal, nothing more, hardly an undertaking momentous enough to give rise to premonitions such as these.
But one of the Science studies suggests that such "re-assortment" may not be necessary to give rise to a pandemic strain, and that it might emerge from mutations in H5N1 alone.
WSJ: Scientists Craft Bird Flu Type That Can Be Transmitted Through Air
They would also require our courts to revisit the decades old debate over the degree of insult and severity of emotional harm necessary to give rise to a legal remedy for injured feelings.
Certainly, the best part of the book is Mr Grand's description of the inner workings of his artificial-life software, and the way it mimics biological processes to give rise to all kinds of life-like behaviour.
He also found that Mr Fox had facilitated an introduction between his friend and a donor and that donations given to Mr Werritty could be seen to give rise to the perception of a conflict of interest.
BBC: 'Naive' Werritty admits mistakes over links to Liam Fox
Mr. Rabin's successor must resist the evident temptation to stifle informed, responsible debate -- and to demean those whose opposing positions give rise to such debate.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Real Threat to Israeli Democracy
If the coalition works, voters may warm to the idea of power-sharing, and to the proportional voting systems that inevitably give rise to it. (A referendum on the alternative-vote electoral model, which the Lib Dems prefer over Westminster's first-past-the-post system, is part of the deal.) And the Lib Dems got all this despite flopping at the polls.
With the prices so cheap, we might also see people just subscribing to everything (Amazon, Netflix, Hulu) which could give rise to new services like Jinni to sort through the clutter.
FORBES: Epix Deal Narrows Differences Between Amazon And Netflix Streaming
Earlier work had shown how assigning fuzzy values to self-referential sentences could give rise to mathematical chaos.
If birds, as well as mammals, have personalities, it may make it easier to study the evolutionary pressures that give rise to such systematically different ways of behaving within a single species.
While key manufacturing technologies might be protected, it would be foolish to believe that this arrangement will not give rise to significant compromises in a number of areas of satellite technology in which the United States currently predominates.
In a speech in Silicon Valley, Mr Obama reiterated that he wants to create the conditions in America that would give rise to the next Google and the next Hewlett-Packard.
Then there's a completely new idea, which is to generate a kind of a cell that you would merge with a kind of an egg, and you'd get something that was kind of an embryo but it wasn't really an embryo, and it wouldn't have the potential to grow into anything, and maybe those would give rise to stem cells.
Without brand advertising to maintain market share the increased availability of cheap imports and smuggled tobacco products may well give rise to an increase in consumption.
The letter sent in late September in the name of board chair, Meri Huws, warns Mr Morgan that if he was to make the board part of the Welsh Assembly Government, it would be "irregular, untidy and give rise to conflicts of interest".
For purposes of the analysis, rather than examine any particular fact situation, and to avoid an overbroad, far-ranging analysis of the plethora of compliance issues relative to the various SCF investments and transactions, this analysis will begin instead with those specific duties and obligations that might give rise to civil and criminal liability exposure implicated in SCF.
Mutations in introns give rise to cystic fibrosis, breast cancer or forms of anemia.
It can give rise to some unusual requests even on this side of Transylvania.
Short term downturns in an economy and thereseultant rebuilding efforts give rise to renewed economic activity.
FORBES: Japan's Quake/Tsunami Is Terrible...Stocks Will Bounce Back
Even seemingly random occurrences give rise to new forms of order that Newton would have loved.
That should give rise to mixed feelings, at least, in anyone who cares about justice.
Many believe that college educations, not the innate talents of students, give rise to this earnings disparity.