But no country is likely to give up its right to a seat as the council grows.
Three hundred and eighty-five days after Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat, the boycott ended.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Dedicates a Statue Honoring Rosa Parks
When John Edwards decided to give up his Senate seat to run for vice president, it set the stage for a hard-fought race between Bowles and Burr.
California Republican Frank Riggs has told friends and supporters in his home state that he will give up his House seat to run for the Senate.
If they change allegiance or get expelled from that party, they will be obliged to give up their seat in favour of another of the party loyalists.
That's because Klink, a one-time television reporter and four-term congressman, has decided to give up his House seat and make a bid for the Senate.
Who inspired the Montgomery bus boycott after refusing to give up her bus seat to a white man?
Members were reluctant to give up control but were tempted by the 18, 000 shares for each seat.
But six weeks after Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat, she could never have guessed how big was the wave she had begun.
Parks, 87, was thrust into the national spotlight in 1955 when she refused to give up her seat to a white man on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama.
If Gephardt does accept the vice presidential nod, he would be required to give up his House seat to run.
CNN: Sources: Gore campaign and Gephardt in 'serious' running mate talks
When the driver got up from his seat to insist that she give up hers, she would not be pushed.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Dedicates a Statue Honoring Rosa Parks
On 1 December 1955, Mrs Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus in Alabama to a white man, defying the law.
One hundred years after she was born and 58 years after she refused to give up her seat on an Alabama city bus, Rosa Parks has a permanent place in the halls of Congress.
It used to be in cases of overbookings that airlines usually could find a passenger who would volunteer to give up a seat in exchange for cash, a free ticket or some other compensation with the expectation of catching another flight later that day or the next morning.
Fifty-eight years after she refused to give up her seat to a white man on a segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama, Parks became the first African-American woman to be honored with a full length statue in National Statuary Hall.
While 1950s U.S. civil rights protester Rosa Parks made history for her refusal to give up her bus seat, and Burmese democracy campaigner Aung San Suu Kyi famously endured house arrest throughout the 1990s, the name "Emily Davison" has failed to gain such international recognition.
The event took place five years before Rosa Parks energized the civil rights movement on Dec. 1, 1955, when she refused to give up her bus seat to a white passenger in Montgomery, Ala.