The old, taxpayer financing model clearly needs to give way to far more aggressive private sector investment model.
FORBES: What the Superdome Blackout Says About American Competitiveness
The Ulsterman was part of Ireland's Grand Slam squad, but had to give way to new cap Cian Healy last week.
Observers had expected Mr Fradkov to give way to one of the men Mr Putin has publicly groomed to take over.
President Yeltsin and his government said they would not devalue but in the end had to give way to the markets.
As an actor, Amitabh Bachchan is having to give way to younger stars and his films are not as big as they once were.
The export-led growth models of other surplus economies such as Germany and Japan are also both going to have to give way to greater domestic demand.
The dominant price aggregators that are popular today will start to give way to services that are more inspirational and let users discover their next vacation through recommendation, deals or social input.
If Lin slips more, you can expect a drumbeat for him to give way to the recovering veteran Baron Davis, who has performed well in spurts in guiding New York's second unit.
For years I continued to have nightmares from my violent upbringing, but they are happening less and less, as the pain of my childhood continues to give way to the joys of life.
Above all, she was struck by the spirit of the poor of the Deep South and her pictures capture not just their suffering but also their dogged refusal to give way to despair.
Were the present bull market to give way to another prolonged bear market, both states and firms might discover that the pensions burden they thought they had shaken off came back to haunt them.
"During our inspection a party of walkers, including a disabled visitor using crutches, had to give way to a vehicle requiring access and, as a result, had to climb on top of gravestones adjacent to the roadway, " he said.
No such luck here: Shirky writes as if passively watching television is about to give way to constant Internet interactivity, but in the 2008 census Americans spent 2.8 hours a day in front of the boob tube, up from 2.6 hours in 2003.
We urgently need a better solution to the problem of online identity, and it should be one area where the companies involved recognise that working together will benefit them all, even if it does mean having to give way to your rivals or conform to standards that you didn't write.
BBC: Microsoft wants to change passwords for something better
Ethan Harris, co-head of Global Economics Research says the firm sees two distinct halves to the year: a weak start given lingering concerns about the shape and form of fiscal cliff outcomes is expected to give way to more clarity as the year progresses, spurring a pickup in capital spending.
FORBES: Why Merrill Lynch Strategist Sees S&P 500 Rising 18% in 2013
Brown said the database isn't to give parents a way to give birth to mini-celebrity look-alikes.
Phone makers have to find a way to give expression to advanced software and service features by adapting the smartphone slab.
"We decided we wanted a call to action, and to do it in a subtle way to give people something to think about, " Parks says.
Obama reminded those at the White House meeting on Thursday that the Iranians are a proud people and to reach any agreement, the United States cannot humiliate them and needs to give them a way to back down.
The current one-size-fits-all approach to drugs will give way to this laserlike approach and make today's methods seem as outmoded as 19th-century medicine.
Like other inmates who had the opportunity to teach, I felt good to find a way to give back.
It was founded to give people a way to connect in a safe, friendly, and unbiased environment.
FORBES: Why Facebook Was Smart To Remain Neutral On Egypt's Crisis
Padilla hopes to give parents a way to begin introducing financial ideas to children at a younger age, giving them a much greater head start.
"We need to give citizens a way to get engaged, take responsibility for the problem and solve it, " the group's director, Ellen Miller, told The Associated Press.
In the midst of all this, it must be made clear that language is not an invention of well-meaning leaders who wish to give us a way to communicate.
Officials familiar with the investigation think that these accounts may originally have been set up to give Eurostat a way to pay for research quickly, without going through the commission's cumbersome procedures.
To help create this, Mr Vajpayee and the chief ministers agreed to give unrestricted right of way to companies laying cables along national highways and other major roads.
With Bitcoin WikiLeaks may be simply trying to solicit donations in a form that it believes is set to appreciate, or it may trying to offer its donors a way to give without revealing their sympathy for a controversial site.
The reason the program existed in the first place was to give independent bookstores a way to get involved in the growing market of ebooks and digital reading, to give them a chance to survive the ebook revolution.
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