The IMF also routinely advocates increasing taxes, which is like telling famine victims to go on a diet.
Politically, governors and mayors find that exhorting voters to go on a diet is far easier on the stomach than, say, pushing a soda tax or junk-food ban.
Going on an information diet with a high-end cable sports package is like trying to go on a diet while subscribing to a daily fried chicken and ice cream delivery service.
FORBES: Info Overload Isn't the Issue. Consumption is the Real Problem.
Acer Computer (No. 170) was a trendsetter years ago in Taiwan when founder Stan Shih and his management team decided the company had become inefficient and needed to go on a diet.
Facebook and its affiliates are busy churning the data generated from every keystroke to figure out who of us is likely to go on a diet, get pregnant, change political affiliation, question our sexuality and more.
Maggie Pietila, an accountant for a Seattle cellphone company, says pressure from colleagues led her and 19 co-workers last year to go on a crash diet of fruit and vegetables that left her sick and shaky.
"The aim of providing gluten-free food products on NHS prescription is to encourage patients with coeliac disease to stick to a gluten-free, nutritious diet so they do not go on to develop more serious illnesses, which can affect their quality of life as well as being much more costly for the NHS, " he said in a statement.
Not a vague, wishy-washy notion that I should "get in shape, " maybe "eat better" or possibly "go on a diet, " but rather a specific long-term plan to enhance my wellness in a way that would not only stick, but fit within the parameters of my busy life as a full-time lawyer, husband and father of four small children.
Asking them, along with the rest of the developing world, to go back to 2000 emission levels with a 2050 population would mean putting them on a very drastic energy diet.
If consumers indeed are looking for a simpler and more focused array of choices, then perhaps the first challenge for companies in 2012 is to resolve to do the same as many of their customers go on a diet.
Swansea's CZJ apparently used the Atkins Diet, which involves cutting out carbohydrates, and hiring a personal trainer who encouraged her to go on lots of hikes around the Hollywood Hills.