Solids (usually metals) can take this pushing around, but liquids tend to go to pieces.
Following up in the mid-1980s, Mr. Mischel and his colleagues found that the good delayers were better at concentrating and reasoning, and didn't "tend to go to pieces under stress, " as their report said.
So far, the audience has no idea whether or not this character can stand up to pressure or will go to pieces.
You know, you can go to a showroom and just pull pieces and for - or you go to a store and buy pieces, but for an athlete, you know, for a suiting, we have to get things custom made.
"He just reached the conclusion that if he didn't do something, the country would go to pieces, " Mr. O'Neill said.
Gatland claimed he saw Hartley "go to pieces" for Northampton against Leicester earlier this season and questioned his temperament.
He has to go through reams of reports and try to determine for himself what are the most critical pieces of information contained in the reports so that he can take the necessary action and correct any problems that have arisen.
For important pieces, go direct to the source, not to the market middlemen.
American officials are reluctant to go nuclear and break them up, not least because the task of splitting them into pieces small enough to pose no danger would be horribly messy.
He adds that the company is structurally putting the team and pieces together that could allow it to go public soon.
Houses that need to go more than a mile are almost always cut in pieces or disassembled.
Connecting seemingly disparate pieces of information also launched a very profitable chain of pubs in the UK, whose entrepreneurial team noticed the following seemingly unconnected pieces of data: first, that when families decided to go out to a pub on Friday night, husbands chose whether to go out, but wives chose where the family went.
But two pieces of good news for you, before you go off to cry in a darkened room.
Zhu's parents died when he was young, and he was raised by an uncle who gave his charge 100 pieces of silver when it came time for the young man to go to university.
For this allows us, provides an excuse to, go back and look at whether there have been any other inventions in his pieces over the years.
Several other, lesser-known Tretchikoff pieces, including "Balinese Dancer" and "Lady with Crayfish" are also set to go under the hammer in the sale.
The first pieces of music for the student to learn include Bobby Shaftoe, Jingle Bells and When the Saints Go Marching In.