Rice, following up, talked of the need to build capacity of Palestinians to govern themselves.
Another reporter asked whether the scandal makes it possible Ford to continue to govern.
Then, he will portray his opponent and the Republicans as too extreme to govern.
Helplessness and fear are symptoms that soldiers are trained to govern during combat.
If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview With Leszek Balcerowicz: The Anti-Bernanke
Britain is a very different country now to the one she started to govern in 1979.
Then he was elected to govern a Siberian region rich in aluminium and nickel.
In Rhineland-Palatinate, the SPD's Kurt Beck is the only premier to govern without a coalition partner.
They instead voted to sack Fujimori on the grounds that he was "morally unfit" to govern.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Fujimori: The other side of the story
Point is, to govern effectively, the Reps must cobble together a majority from the above groups.
Many lawmakers seem to believe that they can lay down rules to govern every eventuality.
However, governments love to govern and show off their power, so they loved fixed exchange rates.
Prime Minister Maliki and other Iraqi leaders face enormous obstacles in their efforts to govern effectively.
The tougher challenge facing Mr Portillo is not to see off Mr Berger, but to govern.
How do we develop kids who know how to govern themselves based on principle?
So the parties have to agree on a programme before they form a coalition to govern.
Choosing the right solutions will be important as companies begin to govern social media.
FORBES: A Primer on How to Create A Sound Social Media Policy
This year, for the first time, he has appeared serious about trying to govern Brazil.
ECONOMIST: Good for Latin American democracy. How good for Brazil?
Those of us gathered here tonight have been called to govern in extraordinary times.
Morsi will not have a free hand to govern, at least not in the short term.
The second task is to convince voters that his party is fit to govern.
In 1923, Britain began to govern Palestine under a mandate from the League of Nations.
When you're the top dog, you do what you have to do to govern.
But Mr Lavin says that Chile's strongly presidential system would allow him to govern effectively.
ECONOMIST: Chile’s centre-left, disconcerted in victory | The
Does it make sense to govern 21st century computer networks with 20th century phone regulations?
But Kennedy has gone out on a limb to protect state rights to govern themselves.
Likely to lose his absolute majority, Mr Koch hopes to govern with Germany's liberals, the Free Democrats.
In order to govern, he would need the support of independent candidates and possibly other major parties.
But we are expected to govern with integrity, good will, clear convictions, and ... a servant's heart.
It is their attempt to push city officials to govern with reliable data, not just glossy posters.