Donald Trump has launched a legal challenge against the Scottish government's decision to grant planning permission for a wind farm off the Aberdeenshire coast.
Having destroyed a public university, they then grant themselves permission to open a private one from which, illegally, they milk profits.
Pembrokeshire became the first council in Wales to grant planning permission for a solar farm at Rhos-y-Gilwen Mansion, in the north of the county, in January 2011.
Earlier in the session, the former clerk of the Commons, Sir William McKay told the committee that he felt permission to grant a warrant or allow a search of an MP's offices should be granted by the Speaker.
Protestors opposed to a chicken waste incinerator being built on the shores of Lough Neagh have called on the Stormont Executive not to award grant money to the project until a legal challenge over planning permission ends.
For many people, the first clue that Turkey was no longer a true ally of the U.S. and the rest of NATO (of which Turkey is a member) came back in 2003 when the Turkish parliament refused to grant the coalition to overthrow Saddam Hussein permission to launch a northern front from its territory into Iraq.
The one most often brought up: Did the court grant blanket authorization for the wiretapping program as a whole, or did it grant permission to wiretap specific individuals?
The financing and deliverability of a scheme is not a consideration when deciding whether to grant planning permission.
It voted unanimously and issued a statement advising district councils not to grant permission if wind farms failed to meet strict criteria.
C. lawmakers have amended the Video Privacy Protection Act so that video providers are free to automatically share information about the videos you watch once you grant them that blanket permission, rather than having to get permission on a video by video basis.
He will hold a public hearing at City Hall before deciding whether or not to grant planning permission.
You know when I was first starting out and I didn't have a home studio, you know, you're kind of beholden into a record label to allow you, you know, to grant you the permission to do what you do.
The governorate refused to grant permission to trade unions and youth groups for demonstrations in Taksim Square due to a large scale construction project in the area.