But chairman Keith Vaz said an official register was needed to guard against "maverick decision making".
Advocates said it would be important to guard against too much information being required or shared.
To guard against future floods, the government is trying to resettle refugees on higher ground.
They also recommended using shorter implants to guard against the risk of nerve damage.
New projects could, therefore, be financed without massive insurance costs to guard against future lawsuits.
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She argued that there are measures now in place to guard against the misuse of funds.
To guard against more sophisticated hackers, administrators should make sure systems are configured to maximize security.
On the contrary, co-operation grew, as countries sought common ground to guard against future crises.
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Security sensors also have been built into the new bridge to guard against terrorist attacks.
To guard against that, the Scots would probably try to charge student fees to the English.
Another one taxes businesses on the generators they keep to guard against power cuts.
They need to guard against the wind, sun, and lack of water among other forces.
And this watchdog will have the authority to guard against unfair practices in mortgage transactions and foreclosures.
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Steps taken to guard against this appeared to have gone seriously wrong during the day, the inquest heard.
Perhaps especially in such times prayer is needed -- to guard against pride and to guard against complacency.
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Governments spend vast sums on defence to guard against the remote chance that their countries may be invaded.
Some investors are using commodities as a hedge, to guard against a broad drop in the stock market.
But most observers pooh-pooh the idea that Congress will do anything to guard against similar incidents in the future.
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Chickens scratch around under huts that sit on stilts to guard against flooding when the river bursts its banks.
It requires a basic understanding of threats and how to guard against them.
Pentagon press secretary George Little and other defense officials said steps have been taken to guard against reprisal attacks.
He wanted to guard against "media hype" in the case, the magistrate said.
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Obviously, we must do more to guard against espionage, but we also must respond by creating a new technology gap.
Japan said it will ramp up security at military facilities to guard against any potential retaliatory assaults from terrorist groups.
To guard against this, the health plans will price their products at a premium to offset the potentially higher claims.
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Johnson said it is impossible to guard against all "unknown unknowns, " and that's why strong security is needed at venues.
Some involved failure by financial firms to guard against employee fraud, whereas others came because customers were not treated fairly.
The exchange guarantees all trades and deliveries, and will monitor members' positions to guard against attempts to corner the market.
The HPA, set up to guard against infectious diseases and environmental hazards, said anthrax in drug users was very rare.
In a briefing for reporters, ministers were careful to guard against suggestions that they were giving Mr Murdoch any special favours.