With pay based on positive performance, the temptation to hide losses increases on trading desks.
Nasdaq has morphed into the best market to hide information about buying and selling.
"These kids often feel like they need to hide who they are, " he said.
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"He's not trying to avoid any responsibility and trying to hide anything, " Reid added.
CNN: Democrat: Blagojevich 'called our bluff' on Senate pick
The Marshalls' lawyer argues they weren't trying to hide money and shouldn't be charged.
That lawsuit even claims two former U.S. attorneys conspired with Cypress to hide the theft.
Somehow, she says, she has managed to hide her street life from her family.
Income from wealth is easy to hide and hard to tax -- and perfectly legally.
He has nowhere to hide now so I will be watching his race with interest.
BBC: Rossi is still the fastest, most talented rider out there
Groupon is merely trying to hide from investors just how skimpy its Goods margins are.
Both of those collections of malware altered pre-existing apps to hide their criminal functions.
FORBES: Researchers Show Android Vulnerable To App-Hijacking Attacks
Kinmonth was always perfectly happy to hide his light under the bushel of others.
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None of the men who overthrew the Hawaiian monarchy tried to hide their involvement.
If the ISS falls out of the sky, there will be no place to hide.
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Clinton uses stagecraft to hide and obscure philosophy and positions, which is not honorable at all.
And that is why, he says, the LAPD can try to hide, but he won't stop.
And those were the real repos, not including the phony repos used to hide debt.
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Still, many people want to hide or disguise the TV and that's when it gets tricky.
"When you're dealing with human beings and language, there's no place to hide, " says Witmore.
Mitt Romney wants to hide safely within the establishment status quo that is not working.
FORBES: Social Security Personal Accounts Are A Path To Prosperity
Skilling repeatedly refused to acknowledge that Enron was using the Raptors to hide its failures.
Patented Track Zero to hide extra tracks of music, liner notes on CDs and DVDs.
Unfortunately, the social-media corner is exactly the wrong corner for trying to hide something like this.
FORBES: How Chick-Fil-A's Social-Media Bungle Fueled a Gay-Rights Backlash
Plus, the tax code is a wonderful place to hide favors for special interests.
FORBES: Blame Congress, As Well As H&R Block And IRS, For College Tax Credit Mess
Conversely, if we legalize all work in the U.S., there will be no incentive to hide.
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In 1968, Gov. George Wallace reacted to his wife's worsening health by trying to hide it.
Others, including Mrs Merkel, a Christian Democrat, are doing their best to hide their scepticism.
So they hired fancy counselors who set up side funds to hide all those losses.
That, in turn, produces safer and more humane environments because it is harder to hide misdeeds.