But his position requires him to hold the balance in his coalition between moderates, the ex-Communists and still-Communists.
PCS. This, the Socialist Alliance triumphantly proclaims on its website, has enabled the Trotskyites to hold the balance of power.
Her party plans to field candidates in marginal federal constituencies, and she claims to have enough support to hold the balance of power in Canberra after the general election.
The common message among these extremist parties, which now appear to hold the balance of power in Athens, is that Greeks should take no more austerity-diktats from Brussels and Berlin.
When Spain became a democracy after General Franco's death in 1975, the Basques (and Catalans) got a big dose of autonomy and got even more this decade, when regional parties began to hold the balance of power in the parliament in Madrid.
It's a similar dynamic to what is happening with Wall Street banks that committed to fund leveraged buyouts, only to have trouble selling those loans in the syndicated loan market--they have to hold them on balance sheet until the credit markets come back to life.
Of course, investment banks have a lot to lose in the credit crunch, not only in lost income from loans they are forced to hold on balance sheets, but from the fees they make to arrange new debt financings.
In the upper house of the New South Wales parliament, for instance, he claims to hold what he calls "the balance of prayer".
Banks are trying to shrink the loans and investments on their balance sheets, relative to the capital they hold as protection against losses.
The banks arranging the Chrysler and Alliance loan packages have decided to hold them on balance sheet and wait until the fall to see if investors are willing to jump back into the loan market.
For now then, grandkids and parents would do well to take advantage of something the baby boomers still seem to hold dear -- balance.
One is that the outcome may turn out to lie with the armed forces, if they hold the balance of power.
Regulators say holding back a small amount of customer cash would decrease the amount of capital that firms would have to hold in reserve and compare the idea to a minimum account balance required by banks.
Also of concern to regulators is the potential for banks and brokerage firms to use those trades to move bonds off their balance sheets by asking a third-party investor to hold the debt temporarily.
Their improvement, on the back of improved private sector balance sheets, suggests a broader recovery is taking hold, according to the report, co-authored by Hatzius and Zach Pandel.
FORBES: Labor Market Optimism? 'Bubble' States' Job Growth Paves The Way
However, Mr Paisley has predicted that the DUP will hold the balance of unionist power in the assembly and that his party will therefore have the power to block any such move.
When you aggregate all this it yields the prediction that the eurozone is - on balance - likely to hold together (just), but at an enormous social and economic cost for Spain, Greece and a few others.
They can remain on the balance sheet with a footnote explaining the intent to hold to maturity.
Lacking any Wall Street buyers for their mortgage loans, commercial banks are left to hold any mortgages they've made in the last few weeks on balance sheet, requiring funds and reserves against them.
As states work to balance budgets and Midwestern states host political battles that hold the fates of union benefits for manufacturing and state employees, labor is seeing a troubled push and pull between workers who are struggling to match their wages with what the economy needs from them in terms of consumption.
The fact that most of them have a dismal record on human rights, and are exceedingly reluctant to hold genuine elections (or indeed any elections at all) has weighed light in the balance.
True, he was helped by Mr Brown's often surreal efforts to ingratiate himself with the Lib Dem leader (his party could, after all, hold the balance of power in a hung parliament).
And when we learn that a major bank has serious problems, we will hold accountable those responsible, force the necessary adjustments, provide the support to clean up their balance sheets, and assure the continuity of a strong, viable institution that can serve our people and our economy.
They want to keep on good terms with a party which, even in its diminished state, could yet hold the balance of power in 2015.
While many validly fear that the downgrade may impact borrowing costs for our country, the larger potential risk, in my opinion, could be related to the types of assets that certain institutions (i.e. banks) can hold on their respective balance sheets.
FORBES: Should The U.S. Credit Rating Downgrade Really Concern You?