The Illinois House of Representatives voted almost unanimously last week to impeach Mr Blagojevich.
Lawmakers don't have to prove Blagojevich committed a crime in office to impeach him.
They were expected, though, to fall short of the two-thirds needed to impeach Musharraf.
Paraguay's Senate has voted to impeach left-wing President Fernando Lugo, forcing him to step down.
Congressional leaders were this week planning to revive an attempt to impeach Mr Cubas.
It is hard for the Duma to impeach the president or change the constitution.
The opposition had threatened to impeach the court were it to allow Mr Menem's candidacy.
ECONOMIST: Menem forswears a third term, for 1999 anyway | The
Although Mr Roh enjoys little public support, the outgoing parliament's decision to impeach him alienated voters.
Parliament has before it a motion to impeach Sarath Silva, the chief justice of the Supreme Court.
The chamber, dominated by supporters of Sri Lanka's president, voted to impeach her by 155 votes to 49.
The mayor of Sao Paulo, Celso Pitta, this year fought off efforts to impeach him over fraud allegations.
The House did not impeach Richard Nixon for tax evasion, so it ought not to impeach Mr Clinton.
On Friday, the full Illinois state House of Representatives took up the issue and voted to impeach the governor.
In the 1970s and 1980s Congressmen regularly threatened to impeach the Fed chairman.
In a separate development, India's upper house of parliament voted to impeach a high court judge on corruption charges.
The report said Blagojevich did not need to be found guilty of a crime for the House to impeach him.
Some defectors framed their vote as giving Clinton a chance to defend himself rather than an intent to impeach him.
Indeed, in this week's negotiations, he made an important concession: he agreed to impeach Mr Musharraf before restoring the judges.
Conventional wisdom suggests that prosecutors only need to impeach Skilling on at least two material points to effectively undermine his credibility.
Instead, Musharraf may find himself saddled with a parliament that could challenge his decade-long rule or even try to impeach him.
The only other way of getting rid of Mr Estrada constitutionally would be for Congress to impeach him for some wrongdoing.
Hundreds of Sri Lankans have marched in the capital, Colombo, in protest at the government's bid to impeach Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake.
BBC: Shirani Bandaranayake: Protest over bid to impeach judge
On many occasions we have all seen cited, his statement in 1970 in connection with a proposal to impeach Associate Justice William O.
CNN: Transcript: White House Counsel Ruff's opening statement
In the Philippines, the latest in a series of doomed but distracting attempts to impeach the president, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, is gathering steam.
That has done little to assuage skepticism and heavy scrutiny, though, and Thaksin's opposition Democrat Party has now reportedly threatened to impeach him.
If parliament's lower house also votes to impeach him, Mr Sen would be the first sitting judge to be removed from office in India.
There is little doubt that the Democrats will try to impeach Mr Bush if they take over the House or the Senate next November.
ECONOMIST: For ��Bush censure�� read ��Clinton impeachment��
The Illinois committee's report points out that Blagojevich does not need to be found guilty of a crime for the House to impeach him.
On Thursday, appeared before a panel that was weighing whether to impeach Blagojevich and denied any quid pro quo with Blagojevich for his appointment.
Republicans on Tuesday threatened to impeach Spitzer if he didn't resign.