Total Quality Management (TQM, ) Continuous Improvement (CI, ) and Six Sigma programs all have been glorified by companies hoping to improve product or service quality.
The aim is to improve performance and quality of service, reduce costs, and simplify management.
Professor Barbara Wilson, director of research at the Oliver Zingwell Centre, said the service helped to improve the quality of people's daily lives.
Mr Howell said the service was now looking at how to improve its control rooms "to provide the best technology, maintain the quality of service and deliver this at an affordable price".
Dr. S. Robert Lichter is Professor of Communications at George Mason University, where he also directs the Center for Media and Public Affairs, which conducts scientific studies of the news and entertainment media, and the Statistical Assessment Service (STATS), which works to improve the quality of statistical and scientific information in the news.
We have to take care of our subscriber customer, which means improve the quality of service.
How can mining companies improve education, health care and access to social service to create a better quality of life for people impacted by mining operations?
The results come three years after the Government's National Service Framework for Long-Term Conditions, which pledged to improve quality of life and independence for people living with chronic conditions.
Even better, by manufacturing in the U.S. the company will improve customer service and the personal wear and tear not of trying to control quality in a manufacturing operation located in the middle of China will simply disappear.
East of England Ambulance Service was last week ordered to improve after failing in its care and welfare target with the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
The carrier says it will commercially launch the service, known as Voice over LTE or VoLTE, in 2012, in part to improve call quality for its customers.
Given what the FCC admits is a derelict regulatory environment where spectrum has been woefully mismanaged and local municipalities resist efforts by carriers to invest in capital improvements, sometimes for years, mergers are the only way mobile providers can improve service quality.
FORBES: Justice Condemns AT&T/T-Mobile: Three Reasons Silicon Valley Should Worry