Plans include extending the mine to the east and upgrading facilities to increase production capacity.
Now, people living near the Inglewood oil fields are protesting PXP's plan to increase production.
Growing demand for hummus has pushed up prices for chickpeas, spurring farmers to increase production.
They use it to increase production at tight times, while idling workers during slack periods.
It helped to increase production estimates for the full year at the end of the last quarter.
If such a major oil producer announces plans to increase production, markets respond and prices promptly sag.
However, current capital-expenditure investment may not be sufficient to increase production levels in coming years, she said.
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Almost two-thirds of the investment will be allocated to increase production facilities at the group's electronics businesses.
Everything we know about their behavior indicates that they now have a very strong motivation to increase production.
They contend that the company would be better off in investing to increase production from its existing assets.
And even if we did not, it would be possible to increase production simply by investing more capital.
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Per Chilton Investment Company, the Saudis not only lack the reserves, but also the pumping capacity to increase production.
To ease concerns, the central government is trying to increase production of vegetables and stamp out hoarding and speculation.
The influx of fracturing capacity is finally helping oil companies to increase production from wells that have already been drilled.
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Coincidentally, the Saudi government Friday reportedly rejected Bush's plea to increase production beyond a 300, 000 barrel increase that began May 10.
We have the technological capability to increase production without destroying our environment.
So far its only big concession to the crunch has been to cancel previous plans to increase production to 450 planes a year.
The less money the government borrows, the more that is available for the private sector to borrow to increase production and create jobs.
Crude oil prices were not attractive enough for oil companies to increase production, resulting in a decline in demand for tubular steel products.
Even when companies need to increase production levels, most are likely to add very few workers as they have learned to get along with less.
The Saudi oil minister made his announcement only two days after an Opec agreement to increase production by 708, 000 barrels a day had come into force.
Oil Minister Sheik Saud Nasser al-Sabah said the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) will agree to increase production by 1m barrels per day (bpd) from April.
The case against the Obama administration is that it is limiting systematically our ability to organize our own lives to increase production and raise our standards of living.
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The process has already allowed some businesses to increase production.
The Saudis hold the key to long-term oil prices since they are one of the few exporters--Kuwait and Abu Dhabi are the others--with the ability to increase production significantly.
The company is hoping to increase production and shipment at a time when many solar panel manufacturers are closing factories because prices for solar panels have tumbled over the past year.
"Barrick is consistently one of the most profitable major gold producers and poised to increase production from 7.4 million ounces of gold in 2009 to 7.9 ounces in 2010, " says Nystrom.
Our experience is that producers use their additional income from Fairtrade to improve their homes, send their children to school and improve the quality of their existing crop, rather than to increase production.
The company expects to increase production 70% over the next five years to 4 million ounces per year, and has been more aggressive than its peers in returning cash to shareholders through increased dividends.